“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Volume I No. 12

Thanksgiving Parties

So many stories for Thanksgiving! Here are some stories from Diane and Alex Zhou. If you want to send a Thanksgiving story, send it to:

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Favorite Things of the Year
What's your favorite holiday? It's holiday season now ... already! What a year! Gingerbread Weekly News would like to know your favorite holiday (besides your birthday...of course!) and how much you like it from a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best. Too bad it doesn't snow in the Bay Area...but it is vacation time. Gingerbread Weekly News would also like to know your favorite season.
Send all answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

Cover Story

Thanksgiving Parties

  • On Thanksgiving Day, Diane went to a friend's house. She and friends played Hide and Seek. Then she played card with grown-ups. Her team won!
  • The day after Thanksgiving Day, Diane's friend and her parents' friends came over to her house. They played Wii and had fun making crafts. After dinner, Diane, her friend, and the grown-ups played cards together. Too bad this time Diane lost!!!
  • On Saturday, Diane's friends at school came to her house because the grown-ups wanted to play cards. This time Diane didn't play with them. The kids played Wii, Play Station 2, and computer. They also played 4 corners, Monopoly, and made sugar cookies. The sugar cookies were great! Diane loved making cookies and asked her friends to help. All 15 of the sugar cookies were eaten by the end of the party!!!
  • The next day on Sunday, Diane went to a friend's house. They made arts and crafts, but since the next day was school, they only stayed until 8:20pm.

New News

VMWare Halloween Party
Just the day before Halloween, Diane and Alex Zhou went to their dad's work, VMWare. Ever hear about their high stock market? Too bad Diane's dad can't sell the stock yet.
After Diane's dad picked Diane and Alex from Ardenwood School, they went to the VMWare work place. Then they changed into their costumes (Diane was Pocahontas, Alex was a dinosaur). There was face painting, a mini pumpkin patch (with little pumpkins), food, and two art stations. Everything was free. They ate dinner first. Afterwards, they got some candy, a bag, and a pumpkin. Diane and Alex went to the art station to decorate their pumpkins and bags. Their dad went to his office while the kids went to the other art station. They made more crafts and cool stuff. Before the “party” ended at six, Diane did the face painting. Alex didn't want to do it. “It was really fun,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “I was glad to go instead of doing other fun things at my afterschool.” “Someone pulled my 'tail' on my dinosaur costume,” Alex told Gingerbread Weekly News. “Very funny!”

School Improvement
Schools are improving. Diane says she sees the most improvement in Ardenwood out of all the years she went to school there. “We just got new flat screen Apple iMac computers. They are really good.” Science lab also got new slides to see cells, which 5th graders need to know about for the STAR testing in science. More P.E. materials were passed out too. That's a lot of improvements!


Sorry, Gingerbread Weekly News is busy! We skipped many weeks. School, schedule, it's a lot of work for the GWN editors! We hope you understand this. Sorry for skipping many weeks!

Volume I No. 11

There are 4 birthdays to celebrate...and one is Amanda's birthday on September 23! Say “Happy Birthday” to our Gingerbread Weekly News editor! The other ones are Grace, Cynthia, and Claire! Say “Happy Birthday” to them too!

Table of Contents

Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

We're talking all about parties this week, and....our birthday girl, Amanda, gave us a great debate topic: Should parties be any later than 12:30 am? Send you answers to...
Did Gingerbread Weekly News forget to tell you? Gingerbread Weekly News has a new email address! So, you can all send your answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com
Please type in subject as “GWN Debate” if you are answering a debate question.. It really makes Gingerbread Weekly News's job easier to know what you are trying to tell Gingerbread Weekly News that you are answering the debate topic. Please give reasons too! We value your opinion.


Parties...are parties. You don't get too many of them. So why can't you stay longer? Have some fun that you wouldn't have in about a month. Parties should only be on Saturdays so you can stay up late with no fear of being late to school the next day. Everyone needs to have fun once in awhile, but not toooooo often. Most parties are at night, not in the day, so staying up late would make the party longer. Parties are a great way to communicate with old friends, not just one, but many all together in one place! Parties should last longer than 12:30 in the morning.
No way! What if you're sleepy and you live an hour drive away from the party? What if you're drunk (since people often drink beer at parties)? That wouldn't be good, but it does happen. If you walk, you could get really cold outside and you could be really sleepy if you drive. Most people eat too much at parties, which isn't good for your health. Sleeping late isn't good for your health either. Is having fun important or health more important? It's a really bad habit to stay up late like people are doing now. So...say no to parties that last longer than 12:30am!

Cover Story

So many birthdays! Amanda Chang, Grace Ching, Cynthia Yao, and Claire Qian all have birthdays in September! Say “Happy Birthday” to them all, especially Amanda, our Gingerbread Weekly News editor. Amanda had a birthday party at Cal Skate in Milpitas. Let's see what she and her friends (including Diane and Alex) did at her party...
It all started at about 2 o'clock on September 23rd, which was Amanda's exact birthday. Most of the people arrived and started roller skating a little bit. Once everybody arrived, they ate a cupcake, a hot dog, and had a drink. Then everyone went to roller skate. It was really fun!
As you know, Diane ice-skates. “It's not exactly the same, but close enough. It wasn't too hard to be able to skate around the rink, but still harder for me than ice-skating,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “I guess it was good for a first try.” There was a race (everyone was really fast), but no one from Amanda's party participated. There was also a Holky Polky dance to celebrate all birthdays for the day. That was fun too. But most of all, let's say “Happy Birthday!” to Amanda! She is our important editor for Gingerbread Weekly News.
Remember also to say “Happy Birthday” to Grace (who also went to Amanda's party), Cynthia, and Claire.

New News

The New Wii!

(Alex's Opinion)
A Wii is fun. There is tennis, boxing, bowling, baseball, and golf in Wii Sports. Tennis is hard and fun. My skill level is 460. I like tennis the best. Boxing is hard and fun. My skill level is 840. I like it second. Bowling is fun and easy (unlike real bowling). My skill level is 600. Baseball is boring and hard. I hate it. My skill level in baseball is only 110. Golf is also boring and hard. I hate it the most. My skill level is only 100. I think the Wii is really fun.

Off to a Good Start...
Gingerbread Weekly News hopes you're off to a good start in this 2007 to 2008 school year. At least, Diane is. “I was the first one to finish this program called 'Type to Learn' in computer lab! I was the first out of the whole school! (Only 4th, 5th, and 6th graders do it.)” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “My friends finished too! Cynthia finished 5th in the school and Emily finished 11th. Emily was also the first fourth grader to finish! I think everyone's off to a good start!”
“Forest Park is off to a good start too!” says Amanda. “We've got a science lab now and many new computers.” Hopefully everybody off to a good start! How's school? Send your answer to (our new email address):

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – Celebrate!, September 9 Issue:

Debate Time:
(Should Gingerbread Weekly News have an email address?)

Yes! It's a lot easier to have everyone be able to check it instead of forwarding. Not everyone has to check it if you already have too many accounts. One person can check it and tell everyone else the next day.” Vicky and Nicole, 5th Grade
I think gingerbread weekly news shouldn't have an email address. If you already have an email address, why make another?” Cynthia, 5th Grade

Well, Gingerbread Weekly News has decided to have its own account: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com