GWN History Week!
This week is GWN "History" Week! See GWN's history in this issue. You will see huge improvements we have made.
5/20/2007: Just on GWN's second issue, we made many improvements! The Mail Pail section was added (with plenty of mail), there was more
real news, two debates, improved ink, and most importantly: page numbers!
5/27/2007: This was GWN's first SPECIAL EDITION!
6/3/2007: The debate was based with a story this week, not any random debate. GWN also started an ad online: (which is no longer available).
6/17/2007: News from schools and scanned pictures appear in this issue
6/24/2007: Another SPECIAL EDITION! Two Cover Stories!
7/8/2007: Another SPECIAL EDITION! One huge story this time.
9/2/2007: The margin spaces are finally balanced.
9/9/2007: 10th issue!!! New looks too!
10/8/2007: GWN gets its own email address:
2/11/2008: Issue numbers are added.
2/25/2008: New SPECIAL EDITION "stamps"
3/10/2008: Volume numbers are also added. New technology – computer generated pictures!
3/17/2008: GWN interviews someone for the first time!
3/31/2008: We have GWN online! Finally! Too much mail! More GWN readers!
4/18/2008: First extended issue! Four extra pages of news!
4/24/2008: Turtie, Gingy's pet, starts "Turtie's Kitchen Announcements". GWN starts having tickets!
5/13/2008: GWN's anniversary! Last Volume I issue!
5/19/2008: Volume II starts!
GWN would also like to say thanks to many people who helped GWN:
First of all, thank you
GWN readers! With many of you readers, it is possible for Gingerbread Weekly News to continue. You make the pail fill with mail, give lots of news, and make our GWN editors happy for what they do.
That's who we want to thank next:
Diane Zhou and
Amanda Chang! They were the starters of GWN, who made and worked on this creative project, and dedicated time, even with their crazy schedules.
Diane's dad played an important role too. He is a huge GWN supporter and gave many helpful tips. Our motto, "Go Local", comes from him.
Chloris Li has been a big GWN fan. She even started her own Animal Weekly News. Some GWN readers said that was copying GWN. So now, Chloris tries to be different. Thank you for trying, Chloris! See her website:
Cynthia Yao contributed a lot to GWN. She wrote many stories and is now our trustworthy typist! She is a fast worker, and she really enjoys GWN. Thank you Cynthia!
Last, but not least (actually the most), thank you
Gingy! You started this whole GWN business! Without you, there would be no Gingerbread Weekly News. As Amanda says, "It's all your fault for starting GWN!"
So how did GWN start in the first place? It was that special day – February 16, 2007. Diane Zhou's after-school teacher, Mrs.Qian, gave Diane a special gingerbread toy for Chinese New Year. Diane and her best friend, Amanda Chang, named her "Gingy". The other special day was May 10, 2007. Diane wanted to do something special for Gingy, so she and Amanda started Gingerbread Weekly News. The first issue came out on May 13, 2007.
Be an employee! Do you want to work for GWN? Ask Diane Zhou or Amanda Chang for a form! You will get more details from them.
Please tell your friends about GWN!