“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Volume I No. 17

Two Birthdays in a Week!
There are two birthdays this week: one girl and one boy. Both have relationships to GWN. Happy Birthday, Katherine Xiao (GWN reader) and Andrew Chang (Amanda's brother)! Send you Happy Birthdays to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Debate with Adults

Do you like debating with your parents and teachers?

Speaking of “debate”, do you feel proud of yourself for debating with your parents or do you feel ashamed? Send answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

It's a time to show the world who you really are! It's time you can get your own way. If you're interested in politics, debating is a start (speaking of politics, see bottom of page). Debating is a way to show yourself, maybe on decisions that affect you like moving.
Parents and teachers always want the best for you. You may have your own ideas, but don't go on debating forever. Grown-ups, especially elders, have lived longer and experienced more. Their opinions or decisions are probably best!

Presidential Election
Do YOU like Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama or John McCain?

It's still election time. Who would you want to win: Clinton or Obama? Maybe John McCain... Send your “not counting” vote to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

By the way, do you play computer games? There's an interesting game about Obama verses Hilary at: http://www.miniclip.com/games/street-fight/en/

Cover Story

Two Birthdays in a Week!

Birthday Girl: Katherine Xiao
Our GWN reader, Katherine Xiao, is the birthday girl this week! Her 10th birthday was on March 11th and was celebrated on March 15th. Have a merry birthday, Katherine, and thank you for enjoying GWN!
GWN interviewed our birthday girl this week:

Hi Katherine! GWN would like to interview you.


What's your favorite hobby?

How long have you been doing gymnastics? We think you are pretty good at it.

I didn't really learn gymnastics before. I just like
doing the gymnastic moves.
How do you like reading GWN?
It's very interesting...

GWN: Thank you for taking our interview! Happy Late Birthday, Katherine!

Birthday Boy: Andrew Chang

There are two birthdays this week! Andrew is our editor, Amanda Chang's, brother. Happy 8th birthday, Andrew! He had his birthday party a day after his real birthday. The party was on March 15th.
Fun, fun, FUN! There was a basketball game at City Beach. It was a tiring and exciting game and became a tie. Good game, Andrew's friends! Diane and Alex Zhou went too. “They were cheating and all, but it was exciting!” Alex told GWN.

New News

Be Careful!

(By Diane Zhou, editor)
Some students from Delaine Eastin told GWN, “Did you know a teacher got hurt at our school? It was scary!” Please be careful, fellow schoolmates, and be sure your parents drive safely too!
If you notice dangerous things in your neighborhood, please tell GWN too! Safety first!

Book Buck$

Last week was BOOK BUCK$ week! How many BUCK$ did you receive? Send to GWN's email address. Diane Zhou and Amanda Chang always go for the most (800 maximum), but this year, their maximum was only 600. Why? On a coincidence, both of them didn't get The Argus on Monday. Diane is in a combination class and the school didn't have enough copies of the newspaper for her class. Amanda had a substitute who didn't know about the Book Buck$ so she didn't get one on Monday. As Diane told Amanda that it wasn't fair, she found out that it was actually fair since Amanda didn't get a copy either. What a coincidence!!!


(By Amanda Chang, editor)
Please make efforts to help those in need! There was a story on news that a 75-year-old man retired from his job and went back to his hometown. There, he saw many children playing around because they had no money for school. He decided to sell most of his possessions to help raise money for the children. When that wasn't enough, he rented a three-wheel vehicle that carries people and carried people to other places. All that money he earned went to kids. Now he is 95 years old and can no longer ride the three-wheeled vehicle. This man raised thousands of dollars for the children. If he can do it, so can you! Not thousands, but if 10 of us donate 20 dollars each, that's already 200 dollars! Please help our community!
Please do not donate to GWN; we don't need money. Donate to the poor please!

What a Joke!

(By Diane Zhou, editor)
Errrr...”What's that?” “I think it's the speaker.” There was a sound coming from Diane Zhou's classroom computer. “Oh it's the so-called 'good' computer,” Diane's teacher said. Then he went to the back of the room and told the student by the computer, “And it might explode...” The teacher went to another student...and suddenly shouted, “BOOM!” Chloris Li told GWN, “I actually got scared for a moment!” What a joke!

Fun Field Trip (or maybe not...)
(By Alex Zhou)
On Tuesday, March 11th, Alex Zhou's class went on a field trip to an art museum. The name was Mocha, which is short for Museum Of Children's Art. His class looked at art pictures made from other 2nd graders. Some were made by overlapping shapes. After they looked at the pictures, they made things out of clay. Most of them made dinosaurs. Lastly, Alex's class made pinch pots. They put designs on them. On Alex's opinion, it was a boring field trip. “I thought there were way more displays and things to do, but very disappointingly, nope, not there,” Alex told GWN.

More Test Results...
(By Amanda Chang and Diane Zhou, editors)
We now know the results of some of our GWN readers' and editor's CM test results. Starting off with our editor, Amanda Chang in Level IV (4) out of 10...93% in theory and good for sight reading and technique! Super job, Amanda! Our other editor, Diane Zhou, got 98% (as you know from a previous GWN) and just had her technique and sight reading test on March 16th. Results will come next week. She did great though, so good luck on Level VII (7)! Sara Ye, also Level IV, got ~~~~~~ for theory (passing), excellent for sight reading, and good for technique. Give it up for Sara!! Grace Ching, on the same level as Diane (VII), got 89% for theory and excellent for sight reading and technique. Congratulations! Diane also had her ice skating test on March 16th (that was a crazy day with piano and ice skating) and passed! Congratulations everyone!

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail GWN received this week:

Debate Time (Yard Work or Homework?):

“I don't know which I'll rather do, but if you want to pick one, I will choose yard work. You can breath in the fresh air and spend more time with your family members. Many people don't really know much about their family members because they don't talk to them. I will rather do yard work.” Chloris Li, 5th Grade
I would rather play piano because in the process of elimination, 3 choices: homework, piano, and yard work. I hate homework and yard work, and piano's okay, so I like piano the most.”
Emily Wang, 4th grade
Whichever is easier. If there's hard homework, I'd sweep leaves outside for yard work.” Vicky Sun, 5th grade

Same as my sister, only I'd rather rake leaves.”
Nicole Sun, 5th grade
I'd rather do yard work since I hate piano and homework.” Cynthia Yao, 5th grade

Remember “What's this?” from last week? It was a root in the ground! Congratulations to: Vicky Sun, Bryan Yan, Deanna Wong, Emily Wang, and Chloris Li.
Good guess:
Nicole Sun, Austin Xiong, and Susan Pham, who guessed a worm.
Nice unique idea,
Cynthia Yao, who guessed a vine!