“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Volume I No. 21

Desperation Day
Green Grass (Diane Zhou and Amanda Chang's afterschool) had their Open House on April 18th. Let's see the results of Diane and Amanda's contests in February and March!
Also see other interesting events that happened mainly on April 18th and other days this week as well . . .

Turtie's Kitchen is having monthly notices (see page 7)! Remember Gingy's pet Turtie? Turtie's made up restaurant is great! And the recipes are real! Try them!

Table of Contents

Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail
Turtie's Kitchen Announcement

Debate Time

Which Trophy?

Would you rather have a special trophy with your name or 4 trophies?

Read about “Open House” in this issue. Would you rather have a special trophy like Diane Zhou or Amanda Chang, or would you rather have 4 trophies? Diane would have gotten 4, but her trophies got “traded” for a special one. Send your answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

Special ones are...well, special! Only one person gets a special trophy. Even if you had 4 trophies, it wouldn't be special. Wouldn't one special trophy be great?
4 Trophies!
Of course you should get 4 trophies. If you display one special trophy on your shelf, other people won't know it's special. They'll just think you earned one trophy. With 4 trophies, you can easily prove that you won 4 subjects.

Contest Results

Remember the contest of making the best joke? GWN has the results now!

1st place: Chloris Li

2nd place: Emily Wang

3rd place: Deanna Wong

Still a good job, everyone who participated!

Update Debate
Should GWN allow people to reply to debate on the box at the website?

GWN wants to be updated on its website! Should GWN allow people to reply to debate on the shout box at its website?

Of Course!

Of course GWN should! Some people don't have email since their parents don't allow it. If you live far away or never get to see the GWN editors, how do you send your debate replies (and earn a ticket)? Everyone has the Internet and can go on the website. GWN could always empty the shoutbox every week, so it wouldn't be a mess. The email would still be in use since stories should be sent by email.
Bad Idea...
Why should you allow it? The email address would be a waste and GWN is just for fun; for now, everyone who reads GWN and doesn't have email lives near the editors, so there is no need to use the shoutbox and make a mess. Half of the time, GWN readers write their stories on paper, so the email account is just used to send announcements, that's all. No, don't use the shoutbox!

Cover Story

Desperation Day
It all started at 3:30 pm that day of April 18th. Class was about to start until Ms. Qian said that we were free that day! Diane Zhou, Amanda Chang, and Nicole Tong were playing a game where you name words in a subject. No saying "Ummm" and the limit is 10 seconds. Ms. Qian went to pick up trophies, and in awhile, Diane and Amanda mischievously decided to look for the results. They were so eager to know them! Well, the tired out Ms. Qian shouted at them. Diane and Amanda went back to the classroom ashamed. Well, they recalled what happened and decided Ms. Qian was plain tired. She never yelled at them before.
Open House time was nearing. Ms. Qian prepared the girls' clothes, so good news for everyone except Diane and Nicole. They were acting as boys in their dance! They waited for their moms to come, but they didn't show up before the kids had to go sit in their places. Open House wasn't starting until 30 minutes later, but still, they were desperate. Amanda didn't have the proper shoes and her mom didn't show up either! "My brother was smart to bring his own things," she sighed. "Mine too," Diane agreed. Nicole just waited and waited with Diane and Amanda. Diane's mom was the first to appear, right before the show started. Amanda's parents came with nothing in hand! How unlucky! Amanda's mom had to go home and get Amanda's things! Nicole's mom came and she got ready. Amanda was very desperate, because the show had started.
Looking at the bright side of things, Amanda's old friend, Joycelyn, was back for Open House! Awhile ago, Amanda said, "This Open House would have been totally disastrous without Joycelyn here!" Diane, Amanda, and Nicole's dance was last, which gave them plenty of time. Diane was very happy for her brother, Alex, because he finally won one (actually two) first place trophies! He tied first in math and won Chinese character recognition!
Finally, after a looong time, Amanda's mom came back with Amanda's things. They actually still had to wait about a half hour, since there were also dances from a professional school and Kung Fu moves. Between the shows were the times when the awards were given out. New desperation topic: How come the teachers never announced the winners for the Intermediate students? Amanda and Diane thought it was sooooo not fair.
The Intermediate students' dance was up! They had a "romantic" where they had a dance with a boy. Don't call it disgusting, because it wasn't their fault! Well, when Diane and Amanda went to starting position, Amanda whispered excitedly, "Look! There's a special trophy with my own name on it!" Diane answered, "Cool! Now we have a special trophy. But is there one with my name?" The music had started, so Amanda replied a quick, "Yes, and..." The dance went well, and Diane and Amanda were chattering the way back.
Finally, the last award was announced. Amanda won two trophies, one for second place penmanship and the other special trophy. It looked the same as the other trophies, but the words were different, and of course, there was her name there. She was the "teacher's pet", but she really deserved it for her second place wins where she competed with her friend, Diane. Diane won first for Intermediate math, Chinese character recognition, and story writing (Amanda won second for those). But she didn't win 3 trophies, neither did Amanda. Also for Diane being the Green Grass translator, editor, and typist, and the "teacher's pet" too, as everyone called her also, Diane "traded" the three trophies for one special and unique trophy with her name and the design made of metal. Diane and Amanda went off with glory.
For the last desperation story, when everyone went back to the classrooms for pizza, no one delivered! They still had to go out and get their own pizza, which was NOT what the teachers said. For a few moments, the girls (and everyone else) were desperate. Well, all in all, it was a great day for everyone! Except for Gingy, because Diane forgot to bring her!!! Oh well...

Turtie's Kitchen Announcement

From the desk of Turtie Turtle

I'm Turtie, owner of Tutie's Kitchen and the pet of Gingy. This is an announcement from Turtie's Kitchen, and my owner helped me spread the news with Gingerbread Weekly News. An announcement will be sent every month, so watch out! My announcements will include tips for making cookies. I use them for my own little cookie shop! Check out the great tips and recipes every month.
Turtie Turtle, Owner of Turtie's Kitchen

Tips of the Month:

  • Always wash your hands first! When I started making cookies, I was too lazy to wash my hands. Gingy and I got stomach aches after eating the delicious and contaminated cookies!
  • Do not stop to do something else while making cookies; you may forget about them, go back to it with everything messed up, or have dirty hands and ruin the cookies. Concentrate on doing what you do!
  • Once the timer rings for finished cookies, turn the oven off immediately. Otherwise...burnt cookies!
This month's special cookie recipe will be...let's start with simple chocolate chip cookies! Turtie notes that this is not a really difficult cookie to make, but it still takes several practices. Difficulty rating:
1.5 out of 5 rating from Turtie's notes. See the recipe next and try it out yourself! Enjoy the cookies if you try them!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ingredients (for 2¼ cups flour):
  • ½ cup white sugar (mild sweetness, add more or less by pinches)
  • 1 cup brown sugar (mild sweetness, add more or less by pinches)
  • ¾ teaspoon salt (mild saltiness, add more or less by pinches)
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla (add tiny amounts for more taste)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • any chocolate/candy to add to cookie dough


  1. Have all ingredients prepared. Be sure to get measuring spoons and cups.

  2. Melt the butter and crack the eggs. Beat the eggs until smooth yellow. Butter should be perfectly fluid.

  3. Mix all ingredients together. Use something to stir until the mixture is smooth. Make sure there are very rare white “bumps”; those are bumps of flour. The mixture should be stiff. If you really can't move it anymore, or want very (and it's really “very”) soft cookies, add some milk. If it looks too pale, add vanilla or brown sugar. Add more flour if the dough looks very liquid-ish.

  4. Use a tray and cover it with foil. It's a good idea to add non-stick spray on the foil. Shape the dough into any shape you want to. Make sure the shapes are no more than 1 centimeter thick, otherwise you will have over-cooked cookies on the outside! Add the decorations as you like.

  5. Bake on 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes. You should check up on the cookies every 3 minutes. They will be ready if you poke them and see the cookie texture.

New News

3rd Grader Almost Kidnapped

(...False Alarm...)
A third grader was almost kidnapped on April 18th during recess at Ardenwood Elementary! According to the principal's announcement to the whole school, the boy was smart to scream his head off so the kidnapper put him down. Some students passed the story that the same story happened at Warwick Elementary. GWN wants everyone to be safe, so PLEASE walk home with your friends or family.
Diane Zhou's class along with some other Intermediate classes were out for extra recess on that Friday afternoon. The teachers were urgently getting the students back to class. Diane knew something was wrong, but really? Something stolen? Probably not that dangerous...but 3 minutes later, the principal announced the scary incident. Please be very, very careful!

False alarm! On April 20th, Diane's mom received an email from the child's parents. It said that the child ran away himself and “didn't know the gravity of running away from school.” The false alarm notice also came at school on Monday, April 21st. Don't scare people like that and still be safe please!

Meet David Schwartz

Another event on April 18th! Diane Zhou got to meet an author named David Schwartz. Actually, the whole school met him, but Diane and other Honorable Mention students from the Young Author's contest got to eat lunch with Mr. Schwartz!
Mr. Schwartz says that he gets his ideas from wondering. He says “wondering is wonderful.” He loved big numbers and told a story about how he made a nuisance to his first and second grade teachers. He would ask if he had a million hairs on his head or how many blades of grass there was outside. He also said he had never planned to be an author; he wasn't exactly a great writer by nature. He wrote 50 books.

David Schwartz had many careers before being an author. He was a road painter, builder, teacher, veterinarian assistant, and more before writing. His first book went to 18 publishing companies before it was able to be published! “If you don't succeed the first time, try try again,” he told us. The first 17 companies, he said, probably thought his books weren't the right type. The 18th company found Mr. Schwartz's first book very unique so they wanted to publish it. The other 17 publishers were probably looking for something the same style as before. It's amazing he actually continued to “try try again”!

Dear GWN Readers,

There will now be monthly notices from “Turtie's Kitchen”, which is a made up shop from Turtie. They will be attached to your GWN issues. Read the tips and try out the great recipes. They are real from Diane Zhou!
Gingerbread Weekly News

We hope you joined the efforts of saving resources on Earth Day, Tuesday, April 22nd. Even not on Earth Day, pick up trash and save resources! If you missed Earth Day, do it today!

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail GWN received this week:

Debate Time (Which Field Trip/Vacation?):
I'd rather go on a vacation because there's no homework, school work, I can bring my DS, I don't have to wake up too early, you can go to different places, and there would be NO SCIENCE LAB.” Emily Wang, 4th grade
I would like to go to the Tech Museum because it seems really fun!” Cynthia Yao, 5th grade
The mission, since I never went there before.” Alex Zhou, 2nd grade
I would go to Florida because I never went there before.” Susan Pham, 5th grade
“I would choose vacation because you get more fun than boring field trips. You could also live in hotels and eat in restaurants.” Yiming Ye, 4th grade
I would want to go to Florida because we never went there.” Vicky Sun, 5th grade

Debate Time (GWN Ticket Deal):

I think its a great idea!” Susan Pham, 5th grade
How many tickets will a Dole cost? I think 1 ticket should also be worth 5 pieces of candy (example: Skitters). It doesn't have to be "5" pieces but it can be like "3". Will I be able to sell my treats for tickets? Sometimes I might have something good for lunch or any sort of prizes. Can I trade with you?” With concern, Chloris Li, 5th grade, Friend of Ardenwood Elementary School