There's too much news this week! Let's find out what's happening in this Gingerbread Weekly News.
Table of Contents
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail
This is the GWN (short for Gingerbread Weekly News) archive blog. All previous issues will be shown on this blog. Feel free to answer previous debates and comment old stories. You may also tell GWN if there are any mistakes we could correct. Thanks, and enjoy!
Online Gingerbread Weekly News
Worth It or Not???
Gingerbread Weekly News thought about putting these weekly news issues online. Should Gingerbread Weekly News do that?
(Gingerbread Weekly News already has an ad page online! See it at:
Gingerbread Weekly News should do it. Gingerbread Weekly News center wouldn't have to make as many copies, using less paper and money. “Go paperless, save trees,” Diane's dad says. “And more people can see your issues too!” It saves money, and uses today's technology.
Don't do it! Gingerbread Weekly News's employees are already too busy making these issues. “There's no time,” some people say. “And kids already spend too much time on the computer. Save electricity. Save the time you can never get back.”
The Writing Contest
Everyone who entered the writing contest did a great job! Gingerbread Weekly News decided that these are the winners:
1st Place: Andy Wang, Brookvale Elementary
2nd Place: Nathan Chen, Warm Springs Elementary
3rd Place: Vicky Sun, Ardenwood Elementary
Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – A Picnic, So Boring, May 20 Issue:
Debate Time: Let's Play Ball-
“Yes, because you get to waste one day of school.” Nicole, 4th Grade
“Yes, because it's fun to watch a baseball game.” Vicky, 4th Grade
“Yes!” Alex, 1st Grade
“I think it would be fun to go to the baseball game and miss some school!” Sandy, 4th Grade
Debate Time: Cookies-
“Peanut Butter Cookies, 7 or 8.” Nicole, 4th Grade
“Peanut Butter Cookies, 5.” Vicky, 4th Grade
“Gingerbread Cookies, 10!” Cynthia, 4th Grade
“Snickerdoodles, 10.” Alex, 1st Grade
“My favorite cookies are peanut butter cookies!” Sandy, 4th Grade
Cover Story:
The answer to “What do you think that creature was?” was a snake. Good job to: Vicky, Nicole, Alex, Cynthia, Sandy, and Andrew!
Copyright © 2008 by Gingerbread Weekly NewsTM