“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Volume I No. 20

Field Trip Day
Practically EVERYONE went on field trips on Monday, April 7th. Let's see where everyone went and what they did at their fun (or maybe boring) field trips! Send your stories too!

Extra News!
There's some extra news: Amanda Chang's trip to Florida! Read Florida Fun (and Disasters too...) in this extended issue! Enjoy!

Table of Contents

Cover Story
New News
Extra News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Which Field Trip/Vacation?
Which vacation/field trip in this issue would you want to go to the most? You better read all the stories first before you decide. They will totally change your minds! Please send your answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com
Please do not reply to debate on the website! Comments only there! Please email or write on paper. Thank you!
Contests are still going on. Please send in by April 20th (Sunday)! Prizes are listed here:
1st place – certificate and 2 pencils
2nd place – certificate and 1 pencil
3rd place – certificate
Good luck everyone (and great job, those who already submitted some work for the contests)!
Reminder: The contests are –
Joke/Comic Contest: Make the best joke or comic!
Martin Luther King report: Send in the best report about MLK!

GWN Tickets

GWN has a new deal, GWN tickets! All GWN readers can earn GWN tickets for participating in contests and answering to debate. Sending a story earns 3 tickets. 1st place earns 4 tickets, 2nd place 3, 3rd place 2, and everyone who participates 1. Those who answer to debate earn one per debate answered. Please tell GWN if you like this new deal. Email to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com
What do you use tickets for? These are the deals so far...
5 tickets: one Rice Crispy treat

1 ticket: two chips, any kind

Ask Diane Zhou for other deals. Send to GWN's email address.

Cover Story

Field Trip Day
March 7th, 2008 was a real field trip day! 2nd graders in Ardenwood Elementary went to the Tech Museum (like everyone's been there but Alex Zhou still finds it fun). 4th graders in the same school went to Mission San Juan Bautista (remember last year on GWN's first issue, Gingy and Diane Zhou went to the same place? A year goes so fast!) and 5th graders went to the Fremont Symphony Orchestra. 5th graders in Forest Park, 3rd graders in Eastin Delaine, and some other schools also went to the Symphony. Some GWN readers generously shared their experiences with GWN:

The Field Trip To the Tech Museum

By Alex Zhou, 2nd grade Ardenwood Elementary
On Tuesday, April 8th, 2008 the 2nd graders from Ardenwood Elementary school went on a field trip to the Tech Museum. The bus left at 9 am and arrived at 9:45 am. Alex's class was split into about 7 groups with 2 to 3 students in each group. My group had 2 students. They visited the Mr. Potato Head display, the earthquake simulator, a computer game, and a machine that tells you how much dust you have on your self. Mr. Potato Head display could detect blocks in spaces with a light sensor in its head. We tried placing blocks , but it didn't work. The earthquake simulator was fun. It was almost like a real one! I liked the computer game too. In this game you can fly and you try to land, sometimes you end up falling on your stomach. When you make computer chips, you can't have dust on it. The machine that can measure dust is only the size of a laptop. We had lunch at 11:30. I had a sandwich for lunch. I also had a bag of green, sour grapes. Going to the Tech Museum was fun!

Field Trip to Mission San Juan Bautista

By Emily Wang, 4th grade Ardenwood Elementary
Last Tuesday, the fourth graders went to San Juan Bautista. In the Plaza Hotel, there were roosters making a racket. It was hecka loud. There was also a two-story outhouse. In the stables, there weren't any horses, just old time cars. There was an old limousine. It was red. Behind that was a blacksmithing place. There were some things that were interesting. Somewhere near there was an old firetruck pulled by men with buckets of water. Then we ate lunch. After that, we went into the mission church. There was a statue of Father Junipero Serra. He built the first mission in San Diego. In the church, there were mountain lion paw prints, a hurdy-gurdy and California Indians' graves. A hurdy-gurdy is an instrumnet. Then I got some rocks and some ice cream and got on the bus.
On the bus, we played pictochat with both buses. There were about 20 people playing pictochat. Then everyone changed their DSs's names to weird names like crayoon, xopapa, yomama, rain (which was Tara), and sunsshine. Then “rain” asked sunsshine to marry her and sunsshine said yes! Sunsshine was probably Kayla. Someone even changed their name to FUC'_' and Ms. Hall caught them, but nothing happened, they just changed their name. THE END

Boring-ish Field Trip to the Fremont Symphony

By Diane Zhou, 5th grade Ardenwood Elementary
That same day as everyone else went on field trips, I went to the boring symphony. It took a long time...They played the winners' song from the “Young Composers' Contest” and some other nice songs. It was great, but just too long. I asked for others' opinions and they all said the same. I did see some friends though. Amanda went after me, though I didn't see her. I saw Katherine Chen, a girl from my afterschool. Amanda [Chang] told me after school, “I saw Alice too!” Alice is another girl from my afterschool. So many people went and made it pretty interesting. Gingy says it was boring, so does Turtie. “But it was nice to hear music,” Gingy told GWN.

Extra News

Florida Fun (and Disasters too...)

By GWN Writer Amanda Chang
On Saturday night (March 22) at around 8:30, Diane's dad and Alex sent us to the Oakland airport. We met with Sara's family and Kelvin's family. We arrived in Atlanta, Georgia at about 6:30 am (Eastern Time). Then, we flew to West palm Beach, Florida. When we arrived, my dad and Sara's dad went to pick up our rental car. The car was a twelve seater so two seats were empty. We drove for a while and we stopped at Checkers for lunch. I ordered a hot dog and it turned out to have mustard and ketchup on it as well. Yuck! We ate in the car because it was raining outside and Checkers only had seats outside. We started driving again and drove across a seven-mile bridge to get to Key West.
We arrived at our hotel, The Southernmost Hotel at about 6:30 pm. We then changed into our short sleeves and short pants, which we would never have done at home. Our hotel is at the end of Key West and we had to walk to the other end of Key West to see the sunset at the sunset celebration in Mallory Square. It was a tiring walk. We watched a few shows there but since it was a cloudy day, there was no sunset. :-( We ate a restaurant called Mangoes and I ordered pasta with Alfredo sauce. There was even a Easter bunny walking around greeting people. Remember? It's Easter! we had vanilla ice cream for dessert, but it tasted like strawberry ice cream so I didn't eat it. the next day, we went on the Old Town Trolley Tour. Our tour guide's name was David and he was really funny. We went halfway and stopped at Mallory Square for lunch. I ordered conch fritters sine it's Key West's special. When we were going to
continue our tour, we went on the wrong trolley! The trolley we went on took us to some cruise that we didn't even pay for! We had to take a conch tour train back to the conch tour train's home. We got to sit in the first two rows since we were the only ones on the train!! We then went to the Shipwreck Historeum. There were many exhibits of what pirates found on shipwrecks. We climbed a 65-foot tower and saw a bell that pirates rung whenever there was a shipwreck. We rang it for fun as well. Then, we went to the Key West Aquarium. We fed fish, saw sharks, held crabs, and much, much more. I also got to taste Key Lime Pie (Key West's special). It's sour and it melts. Sara liked it, but I thought it was just plain ok. We then went on the right trolley tour and had the rest of the tour. After the tour, we went to Ripley's Believe It or Not museum. There were many cool exhibits. There also was a tunnel that made you feel like it was moving bit it was actually the outside that was moving. It was really fun. At first, I was totally freaked out because I thought we were going to go upside down! We ate dinner at Red Fish, Blue Fish and I ordered macaroni and cheese. At 9:00 pm, we went to a ghost tour. We walked around Key West and the guide told us really freaky stories. And whenever someone shouted, "Boo!" or something like that, we would yell back, “You're doomed!” for some reason. The next day, we ate at the Southernmost Cafe, which was next to the beach. Then, we went to the Hemingway House, which was owned by Ernest Hemingway and his third wife, Pauline. He owned many cats and had 6 wives. He died by suiciding. Then we went the Little Truman White House. It was a small white built by President Harry S. Truman sine he liked Key West so much. Then, we went to Mallory Square to buy souvenirs. After buying souvenirs, we saw a "magic" show. We also got to see the sunset. It was sooo pretty. We ate dinner at Fogarty's and I ordered macaroni and cheese, again! :-) The next day, we went to Southernmost Point to take pictures. Southernmost Point is only 90 miles from Cuba, another country. Cuba is even closer than Miami! We ate at the Southernmost Cafe again.
Then we drove off to Miami. We stopped in the middle for a glass-bottom boat tour. In the beginning, I went outside and water was splashing us everywhere. Sara's mom didn't let her go out and Kelvin was seasick. :-(

Then, the boat stopped at the coral reef and started going really slow. The glass at the bottom now showed many creatures and plants. I became seasick so I slept through the whole thing. During the rest of our drive to Miami, an accident happened. We bumped into another car! The other car's whole front was in pieces and our wheel was broken. The police came and settled matters and we got our wheel fixed. That took about one and a half hour. We arrived at our hotel, the Sea View hotel at about 9:30pm. We checked in and ate at Carpaccio. Sara and I were ignoring each other because we had a little tiny argument. Hehe.

We made up, of course. Later we found out that our hotel room had only one bed and we needed two since 4 people couldn't sleep on only one bed. We didn't want to leave it though. It was a mini-suite room with a kitchen and stuff like that. Our new room was waay smaller but it was ok, I guess. The next day, we went on a airboat in the Gator Park. On the airboat, we see live alligators, turtles, birds, and other wildlife. In the middle of the tour, we had to put earplugs on and we were going to go really fast so it would be really loud. Then, we watched a "show" performed by Dan. I even got to hold, really hold, an alligator. It was really heavy. After that, we went on a city tour, which I slept through so there's not much to say about it. Sorry! After that, we went on a two-decker boat for a tour of Star Island. All the houses on the island are humongous and are owned by really rich people, such as Shaquille O' Neal! I'm not kidding. We are
at Carpaccio... again! The next day, I was a little bit sick. I was coughing and my throat hurt real badly. We went to Cocowalk, a famous shopping center. Then, we went to Viscayla, which was owned by a rich person. It was sort of like the Hemingway House. Then, we went to the Miami beach. Sara's mom bought us matching swimsuits. We played in the waves and looked for seashells. We found 14 in all except Sara found most of them. We ate at a restaurant in our hotel.
The next day, we drove to West Palm Beach. In the middle, we stopped at Lion Country, a drive-through zoo. We saw many different kind of animals like monkeys, lions, birds, etc. We stayed at Holiday Inn for the night. The next day, we went to the airport at 5:00 am!!! We arrived at Dallas, Texas at about 1:00pm.
We got on the flight to Oakland. And guess what? It was delayed! Then, they made us change airplanes but in the end, the flight was just canceled. We had to stay in Holiday Inn (for free). We also got airline vouchers that let us have meals free. We didn't even have our luggage with us! Sara's parents had friends in Dallas so they stayed there for the night. The worst part was that we didn't have our pajamas to sleep in! Kelvin left earlier the next day. Sara's parent's friend showed us around Dallas. We went to this park with lots of bulls, ate lunch at a delicious rib place, went to a playground with a tire swing, and showed us all the huge and beautiful houses. We then went to the airport and found out that our plane will be delayed, which only gave us 5 minutes to catch our connecting flight! As soon as we got off the plane, the dads, who got the front seats ran to the next flight and told them to wait for a while. Luckily, we caught the plane and came home safely on Monday night at 10:00. But our luggage was not so lucky. We had to pick it up on Tuesday night at the Oakland airport.

What an interesting (and weird) vacation! Send your vacation stories to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

New News

Spider Scare
“Ahhhh! Oh my god, Diane! There's a spider on your eyelash!” A tiny spider was hanging on Diane Zhou's eyelash, dangling in front of her eyes. That was at lunch one day in school. Diane violently shook the spider off and it went around, on everyone. GWN interviewed the people who experienced the “Spider Scare”.
GWN: Was the experience scary? Rate it from 1 to 10.
Chloris Li (C): It was annoying. I hated it when it walked on my pants! Rating:6.
Deanna Wong (D): It was scary and funny! Rating:7
Emily Wang (E): It was actually creepy... and funny. 4
Cynthia Yao (CY): I thought it was scary! 7
Nicole Sun (N): Kind of ... maybe 4.
Vicky Sun (V): Yes. I'd rate it 7.
Diane Zhou (DZ): Scary, freaky...and funny too! It went on my eyelash! So I'd rate it a 7 or 8.
Do you wish you could have a “replay” of that experience?
C: Only the part when it was on Diane's eyelash.
N: Maybe...I don't care.
CY: Of course! It was funny when Diane found out the spider was on her eyelash.
E: Yeah, Duh. It was hecka funny!
D: Yes, it was very funny.
V: I don't know. I don't really care.
DZ: Not on my eyelash part! But yes, the rest of it “playing” spider, I'd want a replay.
Did the spider touch you?
C: Yes on my pants and my shoes. I don't know about my food though.
V: The spider didn't touch me, but Cynthia put it on my jacket.
N: No, I moved to a different area.
E: No, but I got it on a nacho chip.
D: No, I ran away.
CY: No, it didn't touch me, but it touched Vicky's jacket!
DZ: Of course! On my eyelash...hanging...so maybe it didn't touch me but it used something to touch me.
GWN: Thank you all for taking our interview!


  • Young Author's Celebration: April 18th Ardenwood Elementary School's Young Author's celebration is on April 18th. Hope you did well on your story!
  • Green Grass Open House: April 18th Green Grass's (Diane and Amanda's afterschool) Open House date is on April 18th too! Results for many contests will be out. Hope Diane Zhou and Amanda Chang did super well!
  • STAR Testing: April 28th STAR testing for everyone 2nd to 6th graders starts on April 28th. The countdown begins! GWN hopes everyone will do well. Study, study, study!

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail GWN received this week:

Debate Time (Movie or NUMMI?):
“I would rather go to the NUMMI [plant]. You will actually 'see' how cars are made. LUCKY! I got A average and couldn't go!” Chloris Li, 5th Grade
“I would want to go to the NUMMI [plant]. I like going on field trips . You get to miss class. You actually get to go somewhere else than school.” Deanna Wong, 5th grade
“Movies, because it is loud and noisy at NUMMI.”Nicole Sun, 5th grade
“NUMMI, because I never went there and I want to know what it looks like.” Vicky Sun, 5th grade
“Movies, because you rarely watch movies in class and you get to go to NUMMI whenever you want to.” Emily Wang, 4th grade
“Going to a field trip is much better! Students get a chance to learn about things. If they sit and watch TV, their eyes will start to ache.” Cynthia Yao, 5th grade

Contest (Guess the PinYin):
“ni kuai ba ta fang zai bing xiang li re yi re!” Olivia Li, 4th grade
“ni kuai ba ta fang zai bing xiang li re yi re!” Nicole Tong, 5th grade
“ni kuai ba ta fang ja bing xiang li re i re” Chloris Li, 5th grade

(Great guess, Chloris! You're Cantonese and that's really close!)
Correct Answer: ni kuai ba ta fang zai bing xiang li re yi re!
Congratulations Olivia and Nicole! Perfect! Still passing, Chloris (over 70%)! You will all receive 2 GWN tickets, Chinese masters!