“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Volume I No. 6

School is Finally Over!!!
3, 2, 1, last day of school!” Kids are so happy school is finally over. Let's find out what these students were doing on the last few days of school. Just read this Gingerbread Weekly News issue.

Table of Contents

Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Parents' Birthdays
Private or Not?

Should parents' birthdays be a family private thing? Or should it be a party type of thing? There's hot debate on this topic...

Stay Private!
Come on, it should be family private. The word is: respect. Parents are grown-up, they don't need the attention to be the birthday person. It's once a year, and just enjoy with the family. Parents can be proud of having such a wonderful family, and relationships should be kept private. So, privacy is important on a parent's birthday.
It's a Friend Thing
Have a party, after all, a parent is a person. Everyone likes to have fun and more people can celebrate with you. Kids play together, parents play together...how nice. Parents are grown-ups; true; but having fun never changes in your life, how old, how young; it doesn't matter. So, have a party on your birthday, that means you too, parents.

Cover Story

School is Finally Over!!!
Gingerbread Weekly News “interviewed” some students about what they did on the last few days of school. Here they are:

  • Ardenwood: I would say there wasn't anything really interesting, but there wasn't much work, that was true. There were several assemblies, one was about my school's International Day. Reminds me, my brother, was on the newspaper, the Tri-City Newspaper! Get a June 12 newspaper issue or go online to: http://www.tricityvoice.com/ See this introduction paragraph (be sure to see the rest of the article too!):

International Day Celebration at Ardenwood
Students and parents of Ardenwood Elementary School once again brought the world to their campus as they observed their 20th Annual International Day Celebration on Friday, June 8. International Day was established by a committee of parents and teachers to encourage students and their families to share their cultures with one another. Today this event and similar festivities in other district schools continue to provide an invaluable opportunity for students to learn about each other and the world around them. Each year, Ardenwood parent volunteers with the enthusiastic support of the staff and students make the continued success of International Day possible.
  • Forest Park: We had tons of fun every single day! Games, art, movies, I even got sort of tired of all that fun stuff! It's great, no more hard work and lots and LOTS of FUN!!!

  • Delaine Eastin: Same as Forest Park, but even MORE FUN! Pool Party, Ice-Cream Party, 5th Grade Social, all that type of stuff!

  • Green Grass (afterschool/education center): The word is: FUN! Finally, once in a millennium, no CHINESE CLASS, or MATH or whatever. EAT EAT EAT! The Intermediate kids' teachers did not need to buy any food or ice-cream... they took leftovers (which was more than the teacher might ever buy!) from other classes. There was a whole chocolate cake, two boxes of ice-cream...and much more!!!

New News

The Drawing Contest
Congratulations to all the people who entered the drawing contest! Here are the prize winners:

First Place (Tie):
Alex Zhou (1st Grade) and Andy Wang (6th Grade)
Second Place (Tie):
Cynthia Yao (4th Grade) and Austin Zou (1st Grade)
Third Place: Nicole Sun (4th Grade)

Gingy in the Mud!!!
Weeeeee! It's fun to fly! Bleh! Yuck! In the mud...
Oh NOOOOOO! Wash Gingy! And you know what? Gingy isn't dirty anymore.

Diane was throwing Gingy and Gingy landed in the mud. But she was actually able to wash the mud off almost perfectly clean. “I was excited that school was over,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “I guess I was TOO excited.”

At Green Grass (afterschool/education center), boys were having a TOTALLY you know what word (fun!) water gun fight. They got really, really wet. They even squirted water at the little girls!!! “Finally, a day to play!” Alex says.

A day to play is the best thing ever,
It's a day when you don't have to be clever.
Oh, oh, such a nice thing,
To get to play 'till it's very late!

Make a poem yourself! You know the prize and things, don't you?

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – Happy Birthday, June 10 Issue:

Debate Time:
No! It's not like you never have birthdays on weekends. And...there are many other years to have your birthday, on average, at my age (9), 60 to 80 more to go!!!” Cynthia, 4th Grade
Yes! Then it's another day to skip school. Once a year, the 'specialest' day of the year!!!” Vicky and Nicole, 4th Grade

Other Stuff (New!!!):
“Happy Father's Day! A great day to all those dads out there...” Gingerbread Weekly News