This picnic is so boring! But then, Diane and Gingy tell of an adventurous adventure. What happened? Let's find out in this Gingerbread Weekly News.
Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail
This is the GWN (short for Gingerbread Weekly News) archive blog. All previous issues will be shown on this blog. Feel free to answer previous debates and comment old stories. You may also tell GWN if there are any mistakes we could correct. Thanks, and enjoy!
The Writing Contest
Remember about the writing contest? Please turn in all your gingerbread mysteries by Friday, May 25, 2007. Good luck!
Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – The Mission, May 13 Issue:
“My opinion is that this Gingerbread Weekly Issue mabober was a great idea!” Cynthia, 4th Grade
Debate Time:
“I think Richard because he doesn't really do anything to Gingy, just a few little things.” Vicky and Nicole, 4th Grade
“I think that Richard likes Gingy more than the other three boys do. Don't you think so too?” Alex, 1st Grade
New News (The STAR Testing):
“I think it's OK because the problems are easy, it just takes a lot of thinking and calculating.” Nicole, 4th Grade
“I think it's medium because there are an equal amount of easy and hard questions.” Vicky, 4th Grade
“It sucks like crazy and I never wanna do it again 'cause it's freaking boring and a waste of time......” Nathan, 5th Grade
Copyright © 2008 by Gingerbread Weekly NewsTM