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This is the GWN (short for Gingerbread Weekly News) archive blog. All previous issues will be shown on this blog. Feel free to answer previous debates and comment old stories. You may also tell GWN if there are any mistakes we could correct. Thanks, and enjoy!
Should Schools Allow Kids to Skip School on Their Birthdays?
Talking about birthdays, how do you value your birthday? Would you want to be given a choice to go to school or not on your birthday? Let's see the debate on yes or no.
A mouse in the house,
A lot are caught,
But how many more,
Are still by the door?
Diane's house has mice! Three were already caught, but is there more? Who knows? Here are a couple pictures of the mice (sorry, pictures unavailable online)!...But first of all....hmmm...let's have a drawing contest! Gingerbread Weekly News has put quite a few pictures now. Let's see YOURS on an issue.
Here is Andy's winning story from two weeks ago:
Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – A Trip to Yosemite, June 3 Issue:
Debate Time:
“Yes, because when you're having fun, you don't feel the pain.” Vicky and Nicole, 4th Grade
By the way (some news), come check out the Green Grass Monthly (in Chinese and English!), with the editors of Diane and Amanda, editors also of these Gingerbread Weekly News issues!
Copyright © 2008 by Gingerbread Weekly NewsTM