“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Volume I No. 5

Happy Birthday
Say “Happy Birthday” to Alex! It was just Alex's birthday on June 4th, his birthday party on June 3rd. Let's find out all about Alex's 7th Birthday in this Gingerbread Weekly News issue!

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Should Schools Allow Kids to Skip School on Their Birthdays?
Talking about birthdays, how do you value your birthday? Would you want to be given a choice to go to school or not on your birthday? Let's see the debate on yes or no.

Come on people, it's your birthday! Your very own birthday! Schools better allow you not to come to school on your birthday. It happens only once a year, ONCE a year. It was the day you came to life, it's gotta be honored!!!
It's just your birthday. No big deal. And many people share this date with you. You're not the only one that has a birthday on your birthday. On average, three people are born every second. It's not a big event. There are about 700 people in an elementary school, so someone in the school probably shares a birthday with you, just in your school!

Cover Story

Happy Birthday
Say “Happy Birthday” to Alexander Zhou, it was his birthday on June 4th. He is now 7 years old, in first grade. He had his birthday party on Sunday, June 3rd. He invited Andrew (Amanda, Andrew's sister, came too), Eric, and Sean. He had a great party, with tons and tons of ice-cream, with ice-cream cake too, and pizza. Playing games, eating delicious food; that was part of the funnest birthday party ever!

New News

A Mouse in the House!!!

A mouse in the house,
A lot are caught,
But how many more,
Are still by the door?

Diane's house has mice! Three were already caught, but is there more? Who knows? Here are a couple pictures of the mice (sorry, pictures unavailable online)!...But first of all....hmmm...let's have a drawing contest! Gingerbread Weekly News has put quite a few pictures now. Let's see YOURS on an issue.

Draw a picture of a mouse/mice. Due Date: June 12, 2007. Prizes: 1st Place-2 Pencils; 1st , 2nd, 3rd Places- A Certificate.
Good luck!!!

Here is Andy's winning story from two weeks ago:

A Gingy Mystery
One dark, dark night, Nicole was walking toward a random house. She carefully opened the door with magic and went inside. The house was silent. Then, she found a gingerbread girl and threw it into the oven. Ding! It was fully cooked. Then, Nicole left with ONE trace.
The next morning, Diane came downstairs and saw a gingerbread cookie and ate Gingy without realizing it. Then, she looked for Gingy. She was not there. That's weird. Diane thought, I left her on the dinner table... Then she screamed! She had eaten Gingy!

Diane sprang to the phone and called Kai. He was the perfect assassin to kill the person. She sent him and sighed. There were no clues. Wait! There was a note saying Nicole did that. At Nicole's house:....

Kai blew open the door. Carrying his machine gun with him, he killed everyone in sight, all except Nicole. She was in the mall, so Kai waited. Switching to a rifle, he aimed at Nicole. Sorry, but the next part is rated R for Restricted, for strong blood and language. THE END!

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – A Trip to Yosemite, June 3 Issue:

Debate Time:
Yes, because when you're having fun, you don't feel the pain.” Vicky and Nicole, 4th Grade

By the way (some news), come check out the Green Grass Monthly (in Chinese and English!), with the editors of Diane and Amanda, editors also of these Gingerbread Weekly News issues!