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Cover Story
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Debate Time
This is the GWN (short for Gingerbread Weekly News) archive blog. All previous issues will be shown on this blog. Feel free to answer previous debates and comment old stories. You may also tell GWN if there are any mistakes we could correct. Thanks, and enjoy!
BB Best Boy
Friend or Foe?
This is the “Gingerbread” Weekly News, right? So, which of these four boys would you consider acting the “best” to the famous gingerbread girl: Gingy? Let's see...
He entertains Gingy and makes her do funny things ... but ... he throws Gingy and makes Diane angry sometimes.
He entertains Gingy, and makes her do funny things, but throws Gingy and makes Diane angry, though a lot more times.
He doesn't do much about Gingy, sometimes just helps out Andy and Bryan. He does say bad things about Gingy, which makes her angry.
He doesn't do much about Gingy either. He says a few things bad about Gingy though.
Who do you think likes Gingy the best?
The Mission
Yippee! Time for a field trip! Diane takes her beloved Gingy on a field trip to Mission San Juan Bautista. Gingy explores the mission.
A Writing Contest
Gingerbread Weekly News wants to have a writing contest with the topic: a gingerbread mystery.
Prize: 2 pencils, your choice (1st place only)
First, second, and third will all get a certificate.
First place winner's story will be attached to the end of the next Gingerbread Weekly News.
Good Luck to all!!!
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