“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Cover Story

A Trip to Yosemite

(Written by Amanda Chang)
On Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend, my family, Sara's family, and Kelvin's family drove to Yosemite. We drove with only two cars to save gas. When we got to Glacier Point, we climbed rocks and saw many beetles. When we got back to the hotel at Glacier Point (the ones at Yosemite were all occupied), we had to pick which room we would get out of the three rooms we rented. There was one room with a dining , kitchen, living room, and three bedrooms! It was just like a house! Another room had queen beds (just one room) and another had double beds. Our family got the room with the queen beds, Kelvin's family got the “house” room, and Sara's family got the room with the double beds. Everyone went to the “house” to do everything though. The moms cooked dinner and it was delicious! At night all the kids (me, Sara, my brother Andrew, and Kelvin) got to sleep at Kelvin's. It was sooooooooooo fun! We stayed up late laughing and telling jokes.
We woke up super early and started laughing again. Then our parents came over and we had breakfast. We drove to Yosemite again and went to the Visitor's Center. We got tickets for a valley floor tour on a tram. While we were waiting, we went into shops and saw squirrels. We also ate lunch at a hotel in Yosemite. We hurried to get front seats on the tram. We saw many waterfalls and even a tiny waterfall that comes down on tiny rocks. The tour guide said that the Winter Olympics were actually held at Yosemite. He also told us a story that there was a man named Galen Clark. He was 41 years old and caught a disease, his doctor told him he wouldn't live through his 42nd birthday. He wanted to make the ending of his life happy so he went to Yosemite. He wanted to protect this place so he got President Abraham Lincoln to sign an agreement to protect Yosemite. Clark loved it so much he dug out his own grave and put a marker there. He became a protector of Yosemite. One day he was taking a nap and never woke up again. He died four days, just four days before his 96th birthday. He did so much while waiting to die.

The tour guide said that climbers would have to sleep in something like a hammock hanging above the the ground. When we were going back to the Visitor's Center, there was really bad traffic. But fortunately, a ranger made all the cars go to the side to let the tram (us) go through. When we finally got back, we drove back to the hotel. The moms cooked dinner while we played fun games and laughed really really hard. We finally had to go to sleep, but once again, we started laughing just as hard.

We woke up early again and crept around, laughing. We then drove to a creek almost to Yosemite and had a picnic there. Before we ate, we went in the water but didn't swim. We also dug for pretty rocks we called “treasures”. Then we were on the way back. It was a long four hour drive home. Sara and I were feasting around with chips, crackers, gummies, ice-cream sandwiches, and Altoids. We never got bored. We told jokes and started to laugh again. We ate dinner at Shanghai Gourmet restaurant. That was the end of our so fun trip!

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