“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Cover Story

Field Trip Day
March 7th, 2008 was a real field trip day! 2nd graders in Ardenwood Elementary went to the Tech Museum (like everyone's been there but Alex Zhou still finds it fun). 4th graders in the same school went to Mission San Juan Bautista (remember last year on GWN's first issue, Gingy and Diane Zhou went to the same place? A year goes so fast!) and 5th graders went to the Fremont Symphony Orchestra. 5th graders in Forest Park, 3rd graders in Eastin Delaine, and some other schools also went to the Symphony. Some GWN readers generously shared their experiences with GWN:

The Field Trip To the Tech Museum

By Alex Zhou, 2nd grade Ardenwood Elementary
On Tuesday, April 8th, 2008 the 2nd graders from Ardenwood Elementary school went on a field trip to the Tech Museum. The bus left at 9 am and arrived at 9:45 am. Alex's class was split into about 7 groups with 2 to 3 students in each group. My group had 2 students. They visited the Mr. Potato Head display, the earthquake simulator, a computer game, and a machine that tells you how much dust you have on your self. Mr. Potato Head display could detect blocks in spaces with a light sensor in its head. We tried placing blocks , but it didn't work. The earthquake simulator was fun. It was almost like a real one! I liked the computer game too. In this game you can fly and you try to land, sometimes you end up falling on your stomach. When you make computer chips, you can't have dust on it. The machine that can measure dust is only the size of a laptop. We had lunch at 11:30. I had a sandwich for lunch. I also had a bag of green, sour grapes. Going to the Tech Museum was fun!

Field Trip to Mission San Juan Bautista

By Emily Wang, 4th grade Ardenwood Elementary
Last Tuesday, the fourth graders went to San Juan Bautista. In the Plaza Hotel, there were roosters making a racket. It was hecka loud. There was also a two-story outhouse. In the stables, there weren't any horses, just old time cars. There was an old limousine. It was red. Behind that was a blacksmithing place. There were some things that were interesting. Somewhere near there was an old firetruck pulled by men with buckets of water. Then we ate lunch. After that, we went into the mission church. There was a statue of Father Junipero Serra. He built the first mission in San Diego. In the church, there were mountain lion paw prints, a hurdy-gurdy and California Indians' graves. A hurdy-gurdy is an instrumnet. Then I got some rocks and some ice cream and got on the bus.
On the bus, we played pictochat with both buses. There were about 20 people playing pictochat. Then everyone changed their DSs's names to weird names like crayoon, xopapa, yomama, rain (which was Tara), and sunsshine. Then “rain” asked sunsshine to marry her and sunsshine said yes! Sunsshine was probably Kayla. Someone even changed their name to FUC'_' and Ms. Hall caught them, but nothing happened, they just changed their name. THE END

Boring-ish Field Trip to the Fremont Symphony

By Diane Zhou, 5th grade Ardenwood Elementary
That same day as everyone else went on field trips, I went to the boring symphony. It took a long time...They played the winners' song from the “Young Composers' Contest” and some other nice songs. It was great, but just too long. I asked for others' opinions and they all said the same. I did see some friends though. Amanda went after me, though I didn't see her. I saw Katherine Chen, a girl from my afterschool. Amanda [Chang] told me after school, “I saw Alice too!” Alice is another girl from my afterschool. So many people went and made it pretty interesting. Gingy says it was boring, so does Turtie. “But it was nice to hear music,” Gingy told GWN.

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