Field Trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium
By Yiming Ye, Forest Park Elementary, 4th grade
Did you know what happened at my field trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium? It was fun and disastrous! We had to ride on the bus for two hours! Two hole hours! on the way, we passed a cow farm! It was smelly! When we finally got there, I was relived. We got out and went to a place next to the aquarium and we ate lunch. We got in the aquarium and went to the bathroom because Larry needed to go to the bathroom! We saw fish straight away from the bathroom. Later, we noticed that sea otters were floating on the top. Everyone in our group went upstairs and started admiring them. Even the toughest boy (Jihan) was tamed by the sea otters' cuteness. When they finally tore their yes off, we went to a place where there were a lot of fish and a sea diver, and a woman dressed in red. The show was boring so we went to a dark place with some fish and an octopus. It might have been a Giant Octopus. We also saw some skeletons too. When we got out of that dark place, we went to a splash zone! There was a touching pool where you could touch a manta ray. Too bad I didn't touch it. Then we went to a class area where water went down! It was so cool! We went to another touching pool where there were star fish! But first, there was a video game called something. We went to many places which I couldn't remember. But at the end, we got one stuffed animal for free because our chaperone said that she would buy for everyone in our group! On the trip back, we played with our stuffed animals. One girl got a Giant Penguin and a boy got a long manta ray! It was so fun!
Thanks, Yiming, for sending your wonderful story to GWN! You will receive 3 GWN tickets.
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