April Fool's Day!
It was April Fool's Day on April 1st. Did you get tricked? Turtie, Gingy's present and pet, made a comic about Gingy and himself (you might see it on the website). It was about Gingy taking Turtie on a walk. It started raining so Gingy was mushed while Turtie just hid in his shell. When Turtie saw his owner all soggy, he said, “Oh no! I'll help you!” Turtie put Gingy in an oven, but in pay, Turtie was to be Gingy's owner... Haha! That was Turtie's joke to Gingy. Gingy was mad and laughing at the same time. Send a comic strip or joke to GWN! Contest: best/funniest comic or joke wins! Please send by April 21st. See prizes at Debate Time (page 2).
Diane Zhou's “joketive” teacher tried making April Fool's jokes but the 6th graders knew him too well. Would you ever think a strict teacher could make a joke? At Diane Zhou and Amanda Chang's writing class, the teacher was explaining what grades count for what fraction of the whole grade. One student was gone for 2 months and asked “So since I wasn't here, do I have an F?” The teacher gloomily replied yes and the student said “Oh man...!” Then the teacher laughed, “It's April Fool's Day!” GWN hopes everyone had a laughy April Fool's!
This didn't happen on April Fool's, but one day, Diane was drinking soy milk. She said it was too cold, so her mom said, “你快把它放冰箱里热一热!” That means, “Hurry up and put it in the refrigerator to warm it up!” How weird! Diane's mom later told GWN, “I was having a tiring day, so I guess my mind didn't work well.” Send your guess of the Chinese words in pinyin to GWN.
Diane Zhou's “joketive” teacher tried making April Fool's jokes but the 6th graders knew him too well. Would you ever think a strict teacher could make a joke? At Diane Zhou and Amanda Chang's writing class, the teacher was explaining what grades count for what fraction of the whole grade. One student was gone for 2 months and asked “So since I wasn't here, do I have an F?” The teacher gloomily replied yes and the student said “Oh man...!” Then the teacher laughed, “It's April Fool's Day!” GWN hopes everyone had a laughy April Fool's!
This didn't happen on April Fool's, but one day, Diane was drinking soy milk. She said it was too cold, so her mom said, “你快把它放冰箱里热一热!” That means, “Hurry up and put it in the refrigerator to warm it up!” How weird! Diane's mom later told GWN, “I was having a tiring day, so I guess my mind didn't work well.” Send your guess of the Chinese words in pinyin to GWN.
MLK Assassination Day
Did you know that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th? The radio was talking about it all day that day. Diane Zhou thinks of “4” as an “unlucky number”. “It's just something I like going with, but I know it's not true. Now it seems like there's proof; a special and honored black man died on the bad luck day, 4/4!” Diane told GWN. Anyways, GWN wants you to think about Dr. King and what he did for us. Another contest: best report about the day Martin Luther King died (and true!).
Test Result Correction
GWN got Grace Ching's test results incorrect several weeks ago! Sorry Grace. Grace got good in sight reading and excellent in technique for CM piano testing. Congratulations still, Grace!
(GWN Note)
Dear GWN readers,Please inform GWN of any mistakes GWN made, like forgetting to put your opinion, stories, etc. in the issues. Also send news to GWN if you have any interesting events! GWN appreciates your support!
Thank you,
Gingerbread Weekly News
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