“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Cover Story

  • Birthdays! Say “Happy Belated Birthday” to Alex Zhou and GWN reader Chloris Li! It was their birthdays on June 4th.
  • Last day of school for New Haven School District! June 11th was the last day school for students in Union City!
  • Last day of school for Fremont Unified School District! June 18th is the last day of school for students in Fremont.
  • Father's Day. Say “Happy Father's Day” to your dad on June 15th!
Typed by GWN Typist Susan Pham

Pokémon Contest Results
The Pokémon drawing contest results are finally out! Before GWN announces the winners, please know that everyone did a great job, and the point system was made because it was too hard to decide the winners just by looking at the pictures. Many people won over others by just fractions of a point!
This is by far the most popular contest GWN has ever had, about 70 entries were turned in! Thank you, GWN readers! Everyone must be interested in Pokémon! Everyone did a great job!
Winners: Here are the winners –
  1. 1st place – Katherine Xiao's Palkia with 13.75 points! 4th grade
  2. 2nd place – Alex Zhou's Battle Scene (3-way battle of Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Arceus) with 13.5625 points! 2nd grade
  3. 3rd place – Austin Xiong's Lugia with 13.3125 points! 5th grade
  4. 4th place – Haobo Zhang's Battle Scene (3-way battle of Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Artizaptres) with 12.75 points! 5th grade
  5. 5th place (tie) – Alden Haryanto's “Feeding Pokémon” picture with 12.625 points! 4th grade;
    Tied with Nicholas Lien's Bonsly with 12.625 points! 4th grade
Honorable Mentions: Here are the HM awarders –
  • Most Decorative – Claudia Vu's Buizel! 4th grade
  • Most Difficult – Austin Zuo's Dialga, Palkia, and Darkrai! 2nd grade
  • Neatest, Girls – Olivia Li's Torchic! 4th grade
  • Neatest, Boys – Sean Li's Turtwig! 2nd grade
  • Most Creative – Chloris Li's poster! 5th grade
  • Plain HM – Deanna Wong's Chimchar! 5th grade;
    Susan Pham's Turtwig! 5th grade
Congratulations to everyone!

New Contest!
This is Diane Zhou's teacher, Mr. Gracey's, idea for GWN. At school, Diane's class had to make the most words out of the word TRIANGLE. There were 100! Now GWN wants YOU to make the most words out of this word: GINGERBREAD.
This contest will probably not be as big as the Pokémon drawing contest, but please try it out! Just send all the words you made, your name and age, and you can always “update” your list. GWN will email you every three days to show you your list. Reply to the email with new words to update the list. Good luck!

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