“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Turtie's Kitchen Announcement

From the desk of Turtie Turtle
Hi GWN Readers!
I am here again, just like I promised! Still a little busy, so there will be no cooking tips. I decided to take the Kung Fu Panda interview though, so here are my answers! Gingy decided to take it too, so her answers are also here!
Turtie Turtle, Owner of Turtie's Kitchen

Please note that these are all false email addresses.
From: “GWN” gwn@gingerbreadwklynews.org
To: “Diane Zhou” diane@email.com , “Amanda Chang” amanda@email.com
Cc: “Turtie Turtle” turtie@turtieskitchen.com , “Gingy” gingy@gingerbreadwklynews.org

Subj: Interview for Kung Fu Panda
Here is an interview for everyone to answer about Kung Fu Panda, the movie that just came out. Reply to this email with the questions filled in:

How did you like Kung Fu Panda? Rate it from A through F:

Was it really funny? What was the funniest part?

What was the secret ingredient? What had to be done to be the Dragon Warrior or even to be a great cook?

Which character in the movie would you like to be? Why?

Thanks for taking the interview!
From: “Turtie Turtle” turtie@turtieskitchen.com
To: “GWN” gwn@gingerbreadwklynews.org

Subj: Re: Interview for Kung Fu Panda
These are my answers to the interview!

I loved Kung Fu Panda (especially since a turtle is the wise one). I'd rate it A!!!

It was very very funny! I like the part where Po (the panda) stole cookies. At the end when it showed the credits, it showed the monkey looking for the cookies and Po hiding.

*(Will not show the secret until everyone is done guessing!!! See Cover Story.)

I would LOVE to be Master WuGui, the great Kung Fu master that is a turtle!!! I am a turtle too :-)
From: “Gingy Gingerbread” gingy@gingerbreadwklynews.org
To: “GWN” gwn@gingerbreadwklynews.org

Subj: Re: Interview for Kung Fu Panda
These are my answers to the interview!

Kung Fu Panda was pretty good. I am happy that my pet, Turtie, is a wise Kung Fu master! I rate it B.

It was hilarious! I love the part (no offense to Po) where one animal says, “How can he [Po] learn kung fu if he can't even touch his toes?” and another one says, “Or even see his toes.”

*(Will not show the secret until everyone is done guessing!!! See Cover Story.)

I want to be Tigress because she is a good guy and is good at Kung Fu.

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