“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Volume I No. 12

Thanksgiving Parties

So many stories for Thanksgiving! Here are some stories from Diane and Alex Zhou. If you want to send a Thanksgiving story, send it to:

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Favorite Things of the Year
What's your favorite holiday? It's holiday season now ... already! What a year! Gingerbread Weekly News would like to know your favorite holiday (besides your birthday...of course!) and how much you like it from a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best. Too bad it doesn't snow in the Bay Area...but it is vacation time. Gingerbread Weekly News would also like to know your favorite season.
Send all answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

Cover Story

Thanksgiving Parties

  • On Thanksgiving Day, Diane went to a friend's house. She and friends played Hide and Seek. Then she played card with grown-ups. Her team won!
  • The day after Thanksgiving Day, Diane's friend and her parents' friends came over to her house. They played Wii and had fun making crafts. After dinner, Diane, her friend, and the grown-ups played cards together. Too bad this time Diane lost!!!
  • On Saturday, Diane's friends at school came to her house because the grown-ups wanted to play cards. This time Diane didn't play with them. The kids played Wii, Play Station 2, and computer. They also played 4 corners, Monopoly, and made sugar cookies. The sugar cookies were great! Diane loved making cookies and asked her friends to help. All 15 of the sugar cookies were eaten by the end of the party!!!
  • The next day on Sunday, Diane went to a friend's house. They made arts and crafts, but since the next day was school, they only stayed until 8:20pm.

New News

VMWare Halloween Party
Just the day before Halloween, Diane and Alex Zhou went to their dad's work, VMWare. Ever hear about their high stock market? Too bad Diane's dad can't sell the stock yet.
After Diane's dad picked Diane and Alex from Ardenwood School, they went to the VMWare work place. Then they changed into their costumes (Diane was Pocahontas, Alex was a dinosaur). There was face painting, a mini pumpkin patch (with little pumpkins), food, and two art stations. Everything was free. They ate dinner first. Afterwards, they got some candy, a bag, and a pumpkin. Diane and Alex went to the art station to decorate their pumpkins and bags. Their dad went to his office while the kids went to the other art station. They made more crafts and cool stuff. Before the “party” ended at six, Diane did the face painting. Alex didn't want to do it. “It was really fun,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “I was glad to go instead of doing other fun things at my afterschool.” “Someone pulled my 'tail' on my dinosaur costume,” Alex told Gingerbread Weekly News. “Very funny!”

School Improvement
Schools are improving. Diane says she sees the most improvement in Ardenwood out of all the years she went to school there. “We just got new flat screen Apple iMac computers. They are really good.” Science lab also got new slides to see cells, which 5th graders need to know about for the STAR testing in science. More P.E. materials were passed out too. That's a lot of improvements!


Sorry, Gingerbread Weekly News is busy! We skipped many weeks. School, schedule, it's a lot of work for the GWN editors! We hope you understand this. Sorry for skipping many weeks!

Volume I No. 11

There are 4 birthdays to celebrate...and one is Amanda's birthday on September 23! Say “Happy Birthday” to our Gingerbread Weekly News editor! The other ones are Grace, Cynthia, and Claire! Say “Happy Birthday” to them too!

Table of Contents

Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

We're talking all about parties this week, and....our birthday girl, Amanda, gave us a great debate topic: Should parties be any later than 12:30 am? Send you answers to...
Did Gingerbread Weekly News forget to tell you? Gingerbread Weekly News has a new email address! So, you can all send your answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com
Please type in subject as “GWN Debate” if you are answering a debate question.. It really makes Gingerbread Weekly News's job easier to know what you are trying to tell Gingerbread Weekly News that you are answering the debate topic. Please give reasons too! We value your opinion.


Parties...are parties. You don't get too many of them. So why can't you stay longer? Have some fun that you wouldn't have in about a month. Parties should only be on Saturdays so you can stay up late with no fear of being late to school the next day. Everyone needs to have fun once in awhile, but not toooooo often. Most parties are at night, not in the day, so staying up late would make the party longer. Parties are a great way to communicate with old friends, not just one, but many all together in one place! Parties should last longer than 12:30 in the morning.
No way! What if you're sleepy and you live an hour drive away from the party? What if you're drunk (since people often drink beer at parties)? That wouldn't be good, but it does happen. If you walk, you could get really cold outside and you could be really sleepy if you drive. Most people eat too much at parties, which isn't good for your health. Sleeping late isn't good for your health either. Is having fun important or health more important? It's a really bad habit to stay up late like people are doing now. So...say no to parties that last longer than 12:30am!

Cover Story

So many birthdays! Amanda Chang, Grace Ching, Cynthia Yao, and Claire Qian all have birthdays in September! Say “Happy Birthday” to them all, especially Amanda, our Gingerbread Weekly News editor. Amanda had a birthday party at Cal Skate in Milpitas. Let's see what she and her friends (including Diane and Alex) did at her party...
It all started at about 2 o'clock on September 23rd, which was Amanda's exact birthday. Most of the people arrived and started roller skating a little bit. Once everybody arrived, they ate a cupcake, a hot dog, and had a drink. Then everyone went to roller skate. It was really fun!
As you know, Diane ice-skates. “It's not exactly the same, but close enough. It wasn't too hard to be able to skate around the rink, but still harder for me than ice-skating,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “I guess it was good for a first try.” There was a race (everyone was really fast), but no one from Amanda's party participated. There was also a Holky Polky dance to celebrate all birthdays for the day. That was fun too. But most of all, let's say “Happy Birthday!” to Amanda! She is our important editor for Gingerbread Weekly News.
Remember also to say “Happy Birthday” to Grace (who also went to Amanda's party), Cynthia, and Claire.

New News

The New Wii!

(Alex's Opinion)
A Wii is fun. There is tennis, boxing, bowling, baseball, and golf in Wii Sports. Tennis is hard and fun. My skill level is 460. I like tennis the best. Boxing is hard and fun. My skill level is 840. I like it second. Bowling is fun and easy (unlike real bowling). My skill level is 600. Baseball is boring and hard. I hate it. My skill level in baseball is only 110. Golf is also boring and hard. I hate it the most. My skill level is only 100. I think the Wii is really fun.

Off to a Good Start...
Gingerbread Weekly News hopes you're off to a good start in this 2007 to 2008 school year. At least, Diane is. “I was the first one to finish this program called 'Type to Learn' in computer lab! I was the first out of the whole school! (Only 4th, 5th, and 6th graders do it.)” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “My friends finished too! Cynthia finished 5th in the school and Emily finished 11th. Emily was also the first fourth grader to finish! I think everyone's off to a good start!”
“Forest Park is off to a good start too!” says Amanda. “We've got a science lab now and many new computers.” Hopefully everybody off to a good start! How's school? Send your answer to (our new email address):

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – Celebrate!, September 9 Issue:

Debate Time:
(Should Gingerbread Weekly News have an email address?)

Yes! It's a lot easier to have everyone be able to check it instead of forwarding. Not everyone has to check it if you already have too many accounts. One person can check it and tell everyone else the next day.” Vicky and Nicole, 5th Grade
I think gingerbread weekly news shouldn't have an email address. If you already have an email address, why make another?” Cynthia, 5th Grade

Well, Gingerbread Weekly News has decided to have its own account: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

Volume I No. 10

Gingerbread Weekly News has hit its 10th issue! It's time to celebrate...and make some improvements too. It would be great to send some comments and questions about Gingerbread Weekly News. Remember, Gingerbread Weekly News has 2 websites:
http://home.comcast.net/~mariezhou/gingerbread.html and http://home.comcast.net/~mariezhou/index.html

This week's Cover Story is about Diane's trip to Texas. How exciting!

Table of Contents

Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Gingerbread Weekly News Email
Should Gingerbread Weekly News have an email address?

Should Gingerbread Weekly News have an email address? Gingerbread Weekly News people have different opinions. Some say, “It would be better to have emails about Gingerbread Weekly News in another account instead of taking up my inbox.” Others say, “Why waste another account? I already have 2 accounts to check!” If Gingerbread Weekly News makes an email account, it will probably be: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

What do you think? You can suggest an email address too.
Remember, every vote counts! Whichever “Yes!” or “No!” has more votes is the answer to “Will Gingerbread Weekly News have an email account?”

Cover Story

A Trip to Texas!
On Friday, August 24, 2007, Diane's family went to Texas. Diane's mom was actually on a business trip, so the rest of the family just tagged along. It was Diane and Alex's first time in Texas. Late in the night, they landed in Austin, Texas and rented a car. Diane's dad drove her family to Houston, where Diane's aunt lived. They arrived there at four in the morning! They ate some things and went to bed for four hours. They got up in the morning at eight, and off they were to NASA!
But before that, they went to the Sea Center. It was free. Diane saw many types of fish, eels, and even sharks! It was really interesting. Since the Sea Center relied on donations to run it, Diane and Alex donated five dollars. In thanks, the Sea Center gave them a beautiful poster.

Next stop,
NASA. At NASA it was fun. Diane and Alex played on the playground, rode on a simulator, went on a tram tour, and watched a movie. On the playground there were fake rocket guns to play with, balls to shoot and put into the rocket guns, and fake rockets you can sit in. On the simulator, there was a screen, seats, and poles that you hold. It was like a roller coaster; the screen showed what you would see in front of you in a real roller coaster, and the seats would move around the way it would in a real roller coaster. On the tram tour, they saw rockets, the place that astronauts get trained, and the Control Center. In the movie there was a rocket named Culumbia that went into space to fix a satellite. When it was going down back to earth, it exploded. Another rocket called Challenger exploded when it was going up. Going to space is dangerous. There were many other activities in NASA.
It was almost time for dinner, so they drove to a restaurant called Saltwater. It was near the beach, so they played at the beach for awhile. The tide was getting higher, so they went to the restaurant for a seat. They had to wait for 30 minutes though. “Cool look! There's a horse pulling a coach!” Diane said. So they decided to ride the horse. It was fun, and after going around the area for awhile, they were dropped off in front of the Saltwater restaurant. A table was already ready for them. It was a great meal. It was a great day.
The next day, they were off to Austin! Diane's family went to her parent's old friend's house. They had lunch and then went to their hotel: Hilton Gardens. After checking in and putting everything in the hotel, they went to Diane's dad's old teacher's house. It was actually his university teacher. They had dinner there, and afterwards, went back to their hotel.
It was Monday, their last full day to play. Diane's mom went to “work” already, and there was only Diane, Alex, and their dad at the hotel. They decided to eat breakfast at Krispy Kreme doughnut store. Then they went to the capital building. They learned how the system worked and many other things. Then they went to a Visitor's Center and bought some souvenirs. It was lunch time, and Diane's dad decided to see his university: University of Texas (UT).
They were really hungry, so they ate lunch first. Then they explored the place. It was tons of walking. They went to the Lindon B. Johnson Library and Museum. It was actually his birthday that day! Lindon Johnson was the president after John F. Kennedy was assassinated. There was a lot of construction around the place. They also saw the old places that Diane's dad lived at before. That was pretty much what they did on Monday, August 27, 2007.
Tuesday was their last day. Diane's mom went to “work” again and the rest of the family decided to go to the place where Diane's dad used to go get supplies and other things. Diane and Alex got many souvenirs. They decided to buy a binder with “TEXAS” on it and put pictures in it too. It was almost time to go, so they picked up Diane's mom. They packed up everything...and off to Home Sweet Home!

New News

The Squirrel
“Yes! Darn, I lost! Yes! Nooooo!” Diane and Alex were playing the new Wii at Andy and Emily's house, their neighbor. “Hey look! A squirrel! Leo's trying to get that squirrel! What's the squirrel trying to get?” Leo was Andy and Emily's big German Shepard dog. He was trying to get the squirrel. The squirrel wouldn't climb up the tree. It was trying to get...a nut on the ground. It got it really quickly and started nibbling on it. “Too bad I couldn't get a picture of it, since Leo scared it away from the perfect place to take a picture. But I can still draw a picture of it,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News.

School's Starting Again
School starts again! Too bad. “Actually, I think school's pretty good, I got sort of bored of the summer,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. Congratulation to those who have gone to Junior High, Senior High, College, or whatever accomplishment!
How did everyone do on the STAR Testing this year? Better? Worse? Was it actually easy? You can send your score and comments to Gingerbread Weekly News too! Gingerbread Weekly News hopes that you did really well. If you didn't, it's okay. Put away the past and just try to improve. Go for the best score you could possibly get.

It's fake.”
Wondering about what “It's fake.” means? Well, The Ad was actually a “shop” Diane and Amanda made, originally called D&A, but they thought it was too obvious to find out. Very creative...

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – The Disastrous Day, September 2 Issue:

Debate Time: (Should parents allow kids to have email?)
I think no because kids spend too much time on it.” Vicky and Nicole, 5th Grade
I think yes because it's a great way to communicate with your friends besides using a telephone all the time.” Emily, 4th Grade

Volume I No. 9

The Disastrous Day
What kind of a disastrous day did Diane's family have? First a this, then a that, so many things to take care of... but finally, it's over. Find out what happened in this Gingerbread Weekly News issue.

Table of Contents

Cover Story
New News
Debate Time

Debate Time

Email For Kids

Should parents allow kids to have email?

Should parents allow kids to have email? For some kids: What? Kids have email? That's a grown up thing! For others, it's: Email is just part of my plain life. Tons of kids have email. If come grown ups get email and we don't...well...I can't imagine that...

Kids should be allowed to have email. Email helps keep kids in contact instead of always going to each other's houses, especially during school time. All you've got to do is go on the computer, go on the Internet, and log onto your account. It's better than waiting until both friends have time to play with each other. Of course, phone calls are good, but who knows if you're there? With email, you'll be sure that your message will reach your friend. If you do something like Gingerbread Weekly News with your friend, it's easier to email your friend to ask if what you wrote is okay, than reading out loud on the phone, or printing it and giving it to your friend. So, kids have email, as well as parents.
No way! Kids with email? Once children get email, they will check it all day long, chatting with friends all day, and if you tell them to stop, they'd say, “Then I'm behind on news! You've got to check mail everyday. Don't you check it everyday?” It can damage kids' eyes and use up too much homework time. School's more important than this email thing! Aren't phone calls a lot easier? Just dial and call. If someone's not at home, call to your friend's parent's cellphone. How easy is that? No! Kids should not have email.

It's fake...not the debate. (see the Notice)

Cover Story

The Disastrous Day
It all started in the morning with a few sounds of scratching in the kitchen. Something gray passed by. MOUSE!!! Diane's family chased the mouse all around the house. The closest they got to it was when it jumped off the table right in front of Diane's dad's face! Too bad...it escaped.
Later, Diane's family went to the Redwood City's ice rink (Ice Oasis) to pick Diane's skates. They were stretched the night before, to make the skates bigger by a half size. They felt a lot better to Diane. Then they went to Costco, and that's when a problem occurred...
When Diane's family put all the things they bought into the car, ready to go home, the car wouldn't move. Out of batteries. Costco sold battery cases, but wouldn't allow anyone to use their tools. There was no way to change the batteries. They had to call AAA (Triple A) for help. The AAA truck transferred some electricity to Diane's family's car. They went to Home Depot to buy some things to capture mice. Then when they were going to go, the car stopped again. Luckily, Diane's dad bought a back-up battery case and Home Depot had the tools to put the back-up battery case in.
Finally no more trouble. What a disastrous day!
“I guess it wasn't too much of a disastrous day. I played card games with some grown-ups at a party at someone else's house,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “And the best part was [that] the mouse was caught when I came back from the party!”

New News

Skating in the Dark
One day, Diane was just skating in the morning like usual. BLINK went the lights in the rink. BLINK BLINK BLINK OFF! It was so cool "skating in the dark". There were only emergency lights on. They were like spotlights. "It's just totally cool, 'skating in the dark', I don't even know how to describe it," Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. "Too bad the employees told us to get off in 30 minutes."

Attention people! This shop has all the things you need!

Come get your fortunes!
Find a perfect name in code!
Buy notebooks for school!
Get delicious, wonderful treats!
Come get your electronics!

If you spend more than $30 at this shop, you will get a gift certificate that lets you buy anything FREE under $30!

Grand Opening September 16, 2007!

River Rafting
On Sunday we went rafting at the American River in Sacramento. We had a group of 27 friends. They split us into three groups of nine. I went with Sara's family (3 people), Virginia's family (2 people), and my family (4 people). We were the second boat. Our guide was named Andrew, same name as my brother. All the boats stayed together. In the morning (or the first two hours) there were only Classes 1 and 2 waves. The higher the class number, the bigger the wave. It was pretty relaxing. We stopped at this place with tables and chairs to eat lunch. We had chips, fruit, sandwiches, and cookies for lunch. After lunch, we climbed aboard the wet boat and got into our soaking life jackets. The boats started splashing water at each other and we got even more wet. I was shivering. The guide told us that when we see the lollipop tree the first time, it means that Class 3 waves will come in 10 to 15 minutes. When you see the lollipop tree the second time, it means Class 3's are around the corner. The afternoon was pretty rough and more fun. Some waves even went over our heads! I had tons of fun unlike some people.....


What does the "It's fake." mean?

Volume I No. 8

(Another Special Edition!)

Gingerbread Weekly News...
Goes to China!!!
(Written by Diane Zhou)
Gingerbread Weekly News goes to China! Diane and Gingy send their wonderful story about their trip to China. That's the surprise!

Table of Contents

Cover Story

Cover Story

Gingerbread Weekly News...

Goes to China!!!
(Written by Diane Zhou)
We left on the June the 26th and then landed in Tokyo, Japan, in the afternoon on the 27th, Japan time zone. My family was going to China! We brought Eric (my brother's friend) with us because his parents didn't want to go. The airplane flight was 12 hours long. At the Narita airport, I ate dinner. I didn't eat the airplane food; it's so disgusting. Japanese food is so delicious. In an hour or so, we were off to Shanghai, China. I slept most of the time on the two-and-a-half hour flight. When we finally landed in the Shanghai Pudong Airport, we got our belongings and went to find my uncle who was going to pick us up. I thought my aunt was coming too, but I was depressed to find out she wasn't coming. We had to go on two taxis with so many people and things. We were going to our hotel, which was really near the Shanghai train station, pretty far away from the airport.
It was so hot in Shanghai, or, I guess I should say really humid, that I got sweaty one second after I stepped out the hotel door, even at night!!! I got a horrible stomach ache, and skipped “Dinner #2”. “Dinner #1” was sort of like my lunch. My uncle rented three rooms in the hotel, each room had two twin beds. I had to sleep in a room with my brother! Tell you why. There were three grown-ups, three kids, and each parent was to take a kid. I couldn't go with my uncle, I'm a girl; Eric couldn't, my uncle doesn't really know him; which left my brother to be with him. He cried about that!!! Because I was the oldest, I had to sleep with him!!!

I woke up in the middle of the night, not used to China time zone. At five o'clock, everyone was up, not used to the time zone just like me, besides my uncle (he lives in China). The kids ate breakfast at McDonald's. Then at seven, my parents, my uncle, and I ate in the hotel breakfast buffet. At 7:30, we walked to the Shanghai Train Station. We were off to Nanjing! I played cards with my dad the whole time. It only took two hours with two or three stops in the middle!!! Eric went with his aunt on his real vacation in China. He didn't look happy to leave Alex; they were best friends. My uncle's car was parked at the Nanjing Train Station. We went to my dad's side's family home and had our first meal at “home”.

The next morning, my mom went to her family's home for some personal reasons. My dad took Alex and I to Mochou Lake. We went on a boat, and went saw the beautiful, huge lake. We went “home for lunch. Afterwards, my uncle brought us to my mom's family side. We slept immediately because of China's time difference. That was the end of our first full day in Nanjing.

The next day, my brother and I started playing MaJiang with my dad after eating breakfast. Before lunch, my cousin came and joined us in our game of MaJiang. Then we ate lunch and went to Zhong Shan Ling. The park has 371 steps up the mountain. We counted that much up and another 371 steps down. Very tiring...

Next day was shopping day. It was to buy my brother and my prizes from my relatives for a great school year and many achievements. I got this coloring set, it's totally cool. I also got a watch, a shirt, and a pajama dress. Afterwards, we went back to my dad's side. We had an annual "family reunion" dinner at night, though my brother and I were sleepy then. We slept through the whole thing! That was the end of this day.

After my mom left for her family home in the morning the next day, my dad and my other cousin took us to Xuan Wu Lake. We didn't actually see the lake, but we played in a water park. It's way worse than places like Silliman Aquatic Center or Great America; there's no chlorine in the water, so there are dead bugs and yuck stuff in the water! The water slides are huge and fun. I almost couldn't ride them. I wasn't quite tall enough so they asked me how old I was. I said ten in Chinese, but they heard it as fourteen. That wasn't enough, so my cousin said that I was used to riding big water slides. After awhile of debating, they let me on the water slide, but said that they weren't going to be responsible if I got hurt. It was really fun!

My dad took us to Fuzi Miao the day after. We just went on another boat. We went “home”, ate lunch, then went to a sports center. My brother got to go for his swimming, so then it was my turn for my ice-skating. My brother skated too. I was like the only one who knew how to skate besides another skater about the same age as me and the coaches. The rink was about two times smaller, the ice was also really scratchy. Oh well, it was just for fun.

This day was boring; my brother and I just stayed home watching this really funny Chinese comedy and playing computer. We also built a mini roller coaster (Alex's gift that we bought the other day in China). My parent's were out doing their personal things, don't know what it is.

On Thursday morning, my dad took Alex and me to a place where we could see a huge ship forty times bigger than Columbus's that sailed around the world several times around the same time Columbus did. The original ship, of course, was destroyed a long time ago, but with written notes in old books and pictures, people were able to construct a ship similar to the original. We could even go inside it! In the afternoon, my family went to my mom's family home. All my brother and I did was play computer. No one to play MaJiang with. Two person games were not fun. My dad was getting a new T.V. set up while my mom was helping.

We went back into the city (my mom's family lives in the suburb.) after lunch the next day. We packed up our stuff. We would be leaving Nanjing the next day! Already! We went to the train station after lunch the next day. My aunt went with us. Alex was excited to see Eric. We arrived in Shanghai and went to our hotel. It was near the Shanghai Pudong Airport. We ate at the hotel's restaurant. We slept and woke up at six the next morning. We said bye to my aunt and we were off to America...

Volume I No. 7

Special Edition (New!!!)
Two Cover Stories!!!
Story 1: Father's Day Program
Kids organize the best gift of all...
Story 2: Ice Skating Competition
Let's see how Diane does on her second ice skating competition...

Table of Contents

Cover Story 1
Cover Story 2

Cover Story 1

Ice Skating Competition
As nervous as she was, Diane stepped on to the ice. The music started and she started and she started skating. “I wasn't that nervous this time, but still really nervous. No falls. But you know what? I got third place,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “It was a hard group of people to beat; I was competing against eight people!!! Tell you something, I skipped a level in ice skating. I thought the previous level was too easy. I guess I can't always win first place. Top three good enough.”
Then, Diane had a technical or freeskate program to skate. That program was tons harder and graded on how well each little skating move was done. Diane felt confident though, because she had done well in practice. Whoops, she fell on a jump. “I would say that I was smart enough to skip a single jump and do a double in exchange. That earned me fifth place out of eleven people!” Diane also told Gingerbread Weekly News. “My best moves were a combo jump and that 'exchanged double'. I guess I was pretty satisfied with fifth place, it was my first technical competition in this level.”

Now let's talk about fun. Diane has a whole new story to tell:

“My competition was in Vacaville. My family was going to live in a Residence Inn of Marriott. As we neared the hotel, my mom shouted, 'Whoa! A deer!!!' 'It's a rabbit, Mommy! Deer aren't that small,' I said. The rabbit was pretty big, long ears, huge feet and legs. It was cool seeing it run across the street.

“I guess this wasn't exactly 'fun', but it was for my mom. She found an outlet plaza in Vacaville. You know how moms like shopping? That's what happened. It was lucky that it was hot and my mom didn't shop that long. That was the end of my trip to Vacaville. Competing is fun for me!!!”

Cover Story 2

Father's Day Program
On Father's Day, Diane and Alex's family invited Amanda and Andrew's family, Emily and Andy's family, Vicky and Nicole's family, and Snow's family. The kids played Oregon Trail, Play Station 2, made cookies, played with water guns, and watched T.V. The adults ate and talked together. When the kids got bored, they went to the Ardenwood playground with Amanda's dad. When they got back, it was dinner time. The kids ate very little and went back to playing. Diane, Amanda, and Gingy had an idea of making the best Father's Day gift ever: a Father's Day Program!!! They started making program sheets on the computer.
Soon the program started. First, Diane played a five-minute-long GuZheng song. Then Andrew played a short fun piano piece. Amanda played the famous Turkey in the Straw on the piano. Andy played the flute and Emily played a song on the piano next. Then Diane and Alex played a piano duet. Vicky and Nicole performed amazing Kung Fu moves. Next, Snow danced ballet. Then, Emily played the piano again. Diane played the piano and finally, Andy did a magic trick. It was the best gift ever!

Diane even made a DVD for the Father's Day Program. “It's harder than I thought,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News.

Father's Day

Sunday, June 17, 2007

瑶族舞曲...........古筝 GuZheng
Diane Zhou
Scaling the Rockies..............Piano
Andrew Chang
Entrees des juines nubinees...Flute
Andy Wang
Maple Leaf Rag.....................Piano
Emily Wang
Rondo for Four Hands..........Piano
Alex and Diane Zhou

Kung Fu
Vicky and Nicole Sun

Ballet Dancing
Emily Wang
Sonata in G Major...............Piano
Diane Zhou

Magic Tricks
Andy Wang

Thanks for watching our program!!!

Try making your own program sheet! Prizes...you get it. Due July 5, 2007.


Gingerbread Weekly News will not have an issue next week. There's a surprise for you Gingerbread Weekly News readers, which means, another exciting Special Edition the week after!!! Get ready for fun! It's about...

Mysterious? Too bad. Find out in two weeks.

Volume I No. 6

School is Finally Over!!!
3, 2, 1, last day of school!” Kids are so happy school is finally over. Let's find out what these students were doing on the last few days of school. Just read this Gingerbread Weekly News issue.

Table of Contents

Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Parents' Birthdays
Private or Not?

Should parents' birthdays be a family private thing? Or should it be a party type of thing? There's hot debate on this topic...

Stay Private!
Come on, it should be family private. The word is: respect. Parents are grown-up, they don't need the attention to be the birthday person. It's once a year, and just enjoy with the family. Parents can be proud of having such a wonderful family, and relationships should be kept private. So, privacy is important on a parent's birthday.
It's a Friend Thing
Have a party, after all, a parent is a person. Everyone likes to have fun and more people can celebrate with you. Kids play together, parents play together...how nice. Parents are grown-ups; true; but having fun never changes in your life, how old, how young; it doesn't matter. So, have a party on your birthday, that means you too, parents.

Cover Story

School is Finally Over!!!
Gingerbread Weekly News “interviewed” some students about what they did on the last few days of school. Here they are:

  • Ardenwood: I would say there wasn't anything really interesting, but there wasn't much work, that was true. There were several assemblies, one was about my school's International Day. Reminds me, my brother, was on the newspaper, the Tri-City Newspaper! Get a June 12 newspaper issue or go online to: http://www.tricityvoice.com/ See this introduction paragraph (be sure to see the rest of the article too!):

International Day Celebration at Ardenwood
Students and parents of Ardenwood Elementary School once again brought the world to their campus as they observed their 20th Annual International Day Celebration on Friday, June 8. International Day was established by a committee of parents and teachers to encourage students and their families to share their cultures with one another. Today this event and similar festivities in other district schools continue to provide an invaluable opportunity for students to learn about each other and the world around them. Each year, Ardenwood parent volunteers with the enthusiastic support of the staff and students make the continued success of International Day possible.
  • Forest Park: We had tons of fun every single day! Games, art, movies, I even got sort of tired of all that fun stuff! It's great, no more hard work and lots and LOTS of FUN!!!

  • Delaine Eastin: Same as Forest Park, but even MORE FUN! Pool Party, Ice-Cream Party, 5th Grade Social, all that type of stuff!

  • Green Grass (afterschool/education center): The word is: FUN! Finally, once in a millennium, no CHINESE CLASS, or MATH or whatever. EAT EAT EAT! The Intermediate kids' teachers did not need to buy any food or ice-cream... they took leftovers (which was more than the teacher might ever buy!) from other classes. There was a whole chocolate cake, two boxes of ice-cream...and much more!!!

New News

The Drawing Contest
Congratulations to all the people who entered the drawing contest! Here are the prize winners:

First Place (Tie):
Alex Zhou (1st Grade) and Andy Wang (6th Grade)
Second Place (Tie):
Cynthia Yao (4th Grade) and Austin Zou (1st Grade)
Third Place: Nicole Sun (4th Grade)

Gingy in the Mud!!!
Weeeeee! It's fun to fly! Bleh! Yuck! In the mud...
Oh NOOOOOO! Wash Gingy! And you know what? Gingy isn't dirty anymore.

Diane was throwing Gingy and Gingy landed in the mud. But she was actually able to wash the mud off almost perfectly clean. “I was excited that school was over,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “I guess I was TOO excited.”

At Green Grass (afterschool/education center), boys were having a TOTALLY you know what word (fun!) water gun fight. They got really, really wet. They even squirted water at the little girls!!! “Finally, a day to play!” Alex says.

A day to play is the best thing ever,
It's a day when you don't have to be clever.
Oh, oh, such a nice thing,
To get to play 'till it's very late!

Make a poem yourself! You know the prize and things, don't you?

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – Happy Birthday, June 10 Issue:

Debate Time:
No! It's not like you never have birthdays on weekends. And...there are many other years to have your birthday, on average, at my age (9), 60 to 80 more to go!!!” Cynthia, 4th Grade
Yes! Then it's another day to skip school. Once a year, the 'specialest' day of the year!!!” Vicky and Nicole, 4th Grade

Other Stuff (New!!!):
“Happy Father's Day! A great day to all those dads out there...” Gingerbread Weekly News

Volume I No. 5

Happy Birthday
Say “Happy Birthday” to Alex! It was just Alex's birthday on June 4th, his birthday party on June 3rd. Let's find out all about Alex's 7th Birthday in this Gingerbread Weekly News issue!

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Should Schools Allow Kids to Skip School on Their Birthdays?
Talking about birthdays, how do you value your birthday? Would you want to be given a choice to go to school or not on your birthday? Let's see the debate on yes or no.

Come on people, it's your birthday! Your very own birthday! Schools better allow you not to come to school on your birthday. It happens only once a year, ONCE a year. It was the day you came to life, it's gotta be honored!!!
It's just your birthday. No big deal. And many people share this date with you. You're not the only one that has a birthday on your birthday. On average, three people are born every second. It's not a big event. There are about 700 people in an elementary school, so someone in the school probably shares a birthday with you, just in your school!

Cover Story

Happy Birthday
Say “Happy Birthday” to Alexander Zhou, it was his birthday on June 4th. He is now 7 years old, in first grade. He had his birthday party on Sunday, June 3rd. He invited Andrew (Amanda, Andrew's sister, came too), Eric, and Sean. He had a great party, with tons and tons of ice-cream, with ice-cream cake too, and pizza. Playing games, eating delicious food; that was part of the funnest birthday party ever!

New News

A Mouse in the House!!!

A mouse in the house,
A lot are caught,
But how many more,
Are still by the door?

Diane's house has mice! Three were already caught, but is there more? Who knows? Here are a couple pictures of the mice (sorry, pictures unavailable online)!...But first of all....hmmm...let's have a drawing contest! Gingerbread Weekly News has put quite a few pictures now. Let's see YOURS on an issue.

Draw a picture of a mouse/mice. Due Date: June 12, 2007. Prizes: 1st Place-2 Pencils; 1st , 2nd, 3rd Places- A Certificate.
Good luck!!!

Here is Andy's winning story from two weeks ago:

A Gingy Mystery
One dark, dark night, Nicole was walking toward a random house. She carefully opened the door with magic and went inside. The house was silent. Then, she found a gingerbread girl and threw it into the oven. Ding! It was fully cooked. Then, Nicole left with ONE trace.
The next morning, Diane came downstairs and saw a gingerbread cookie and ate Gingy without realizing it. Then, she looked for Gingy. She was not there. That's weird. Diane thought, I left her on the dinner table... Then she screamed! She had eaten Gingy!

Diane sprang to the phone and called Kai. He was the perfect assassin to kill the person. She sent him and sighed. There were no clues. Wait! There was a note saying Nicole did that. At Nicole's house:....

Kai blew open the door. Carrying his machine gun with him, he killed everyone in sight, all except Nicole. She was in the mall, so Kai waited. Switching to a rifle, he aimed at Nicole. Sorry, but the next part is rated R for Restricted, for strong blood and language. THE END!

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – A Trip to Yosemite, June 3 Issue:

Debate Time:
Yes, because when you're having fun, you don't feel the pain.” Vicky and Nicole, 4th Grade

By the way (some news), come check out the Green Grass Monthly (in Chinese and English!), with the editors of Diane and Amanda, editors also of these Gingerbread Weekly News issues!

Volume I No. 4

A Trip to Yosemite
(Written by Amanda Chang)
A trip to Yosemite! Amanda Chang sends her marvelous story to Gingerbread Weekly News. Let's find out what's happening in this issue!

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Great America Rides!
Diane and Gingy went to Great America on Memorial Day. She had tons of fun! “My brother was so scared after he went on one roller coaster, don't know why. I went on five roller coaster type of things: The Vortex, The White Waterfalls (with Gingy), The Demon (also with Gingy), Survivors, and my favorite (of course with Gingy) – Psycho Mouse! I also went on the Sky Ride,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “But then...”
Gingerbread Weekly News: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop the story there. This is debate, right people? What's all this news?” Diane: “Let me continue...” (Just a little fun.)
“I got a painful shoulder soreness, that caused me to stop practicing ice-skating for awhile. It might be worth having all that fun, but I don't like soreness in my shoulders and I also lost my hat, not a big deal though.”
Do you think it's worth having a pain (plus losing a baseball cap) while you had so much fun?

By the way, the cons (no) won for last week's debate topic, Online Gingerbread Weekly News, so Gingerbread Weekly News won't be putting issues online. Everyone's vote counts! Remember that!

Cover Story

A Trip to Yosemite

(Written by Amanda Chang)
On Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend, my family, Sara's family, and Kelvin's family drove to Yosemite. We drove with only two cars to save gas. When we got to Glacier Point, we climbed rocks and saw many beetles. When we got back to the hotel at Glacier Point (the ones at Yosemite were all occupied), we had to pick which room we would get out of the three rooms we rented. There was one room with a dining , kitchen, living room, and three bedrooms! It was just like a house! Another room had queen beds (just one room) and another had double beds. Our family got the room with the queen beds, Kelvin's family got the “house” room, and Sara's family got the room with the double beds. Everyone went to the “house” to do everything though. The moms cooked dinner and it was delicious! At night all the kids (me, Sara, my brother Andrew, and Kelvin) got to sleep at Kelvin's. It was sooooooooooo fun! We stayed up late laughing and telling jokes.
We woke up super early and started laughing again. Then our parents came over and we had breakfast. We drove to Yosemite again and went to the Visitor's Center. We got tickets for a valley floor tour on a tram. While we were waiting, we went into shops and saw squirrels. We also ate lunch at a hotel in Yosemite. We hurried to get front seats on the tram. We saw many waterfalls and even a tiny waterfall that comes down on tiny rocks. The tour guide said that the Winter Olympics were actually held at Yosemite. He also told us a story that there was a man named Galen Clark. He was 41 years old and caught a disease, his doctor told him he wouldn't live through his 42nd birthday. He wanted to make the ending of his life happy so he went to Yosemite. He wanted to protect this place so he got President Abraham Lincoln to sign an agreement to protect Yosemite. Clark loved it so much he dug out his own grave and put a marker there. He became a protector of Yosemite. One day he was taking a nap and never woke up again. He died four days, just four days before his 96th birthday. He did so much while waiting to die.

The tour guide said that climbers would have to sleep in something like a hammock hanging above the the ground. When we were going back to the Visitor's Center, there was really bad traffic. But fortunately, a ranger made all the cars go to the side to let the tram (us) go through. When we finally got back, we drove back to the hotel. The moms cooked dinner while we played fun games and laughed really really hard. We finally had to go to sleep, but once again, we started laughing just as hard.

We woke up early again and crept around, laughing. We then drove to a creek almost to Yosemite and had a picnic there. Before we ate, we went in the water but didn't swim. We also dug for pretty rocks we called “treasures”. Then we were on the way back. It was a long four hour drive home. Sara and I were feasting around with chips, crackers, gummies, ice-cream sandwiches, and Altoids. We never got bored. We told jokes and started to laugh again. We ate dinner at Shanghai Gourmet restaurant. That was the end of our so fun trip!

New News

Cute Little Kitten...
“Meow, meow, meow...” There was a little kitten at the backyard of Diane's house. “Poor kitty,” Diane thought. The little kitten looked like it was abandoned by its mother, so Diane built a house out of a cereal box. “I didn't touch it because it was wild. It looked cute; little and black and white blended,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “But the next day, I saw the mother cat, with the 'used to be abandoned kitten' and three other kittens.”

The Party
On Saturday, Alex's family went to a three-person birthday party. It was Alex, Emma, and Dylan's birthday party, held at Emma's house. They had lots of fun. There were a bunch of girls. They locked the boys out of their “clubhouse”. The girls made up a secret knock and Alex heard it. He did the secret knock and went inside!!! Next, Alex's sister, Diane, got everyone to play hide and seek. Then, Victoria, Diane's friend, made a treasure hunt.
She made clues like this:

Clue 1: You find this hanging on the wall, and you use Expo markers with it. (white board)

Clue 2 (On the white board): You put your waste in it. It goes round and round when you flush it. (toilet)

Clue 3 (On the toilet lid): Halfway down the stairs, near the window, it is. (a plug thing)

Clue 4 (On the plug thing): Near the mirror in a bathroom upstairs, a treasure is hidden... (no treasure, HAHAHA!)

The kids were having a lot of fun! What a nice and fun “triple-birthday party” it was!!!

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – Too Much News!!!, May 27 Issue:

Debate Time:
No! Don't do it! I don't think it is a good idea to do it. When you post it online, people find out and can start spamming Gingerbread Weekly News!” Cynthia, 4th Grade
No, because then it saves electricity [which to me, is more important than paper, because of pollution].” Nicole, 4th Grade
Yes, because it saves trees.” Vicky, 4th Grade

Comments to Diane:
I can't believe you got first place! (Maybe I can since it's not the first time...) You tried your best and that's why you won! Great job!” Cynthia, 4th Grade

Volume I No. 3

Too Much News!!!
There's too much news this week! Let's find out what's happening in this Gingerbread Weekly News.

Table of Contents
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Online Gingerbread Weekly News
Worth It or Not???

Gingerbread Weekly News thought about putting these weekly news issues online. Should Gingerbread Weekly News do that?
(Gingerbread Weekly News already has an ad page online! See it at: http://home.comcast.net/~mariezhou/index.html)

Gingerbread Weekly News should do it. Gingerbread Weekly News center wouldn't have to make as many copies, using less paper and money. “Go paperless, save trees,” Diane's dad says. “And more people can see your issues too!” It saves money, and uses today's technology.
Don't do it! Gingerbread Weekly News's employees are already too busy making these issues. “There's no time,” some people say. “And kids already spend too much time on the computer. Save electricity. Save the time you can never get back.”

New News

Ice-Skating Competition
There was an ice-skating competition on Saturday, May 19, 2007. The name of the competition was Spring Jubilee, and it was held at San Jose Sharks' arena. “I fell on a jump,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “And that was the end of wishing to win. I still tried my best after I fell down though.” Diane's group's results took an awfully long time. “Let's go home now. You can't win since you fell down. We can check the results online anyways,” Diane's parents said. Just then, the results came out...and....Diane won first place!!!
“How do you feel?” Gingerbread Weekly News asked Diane. She answered, “Very lucky. I'm glad I still tried my best after I fell.” Good job, Diane!!! Good luck on your next competition!

What Happened to the Bus???
Driving on the highway, Amanda's class heard a loud “BEEP, BEEP, BEEP...” in the bus. The bus driver quickly pulled the bus to the side of the freeway. He tried to start the engine again...and...it...work....didn't work. “The bus driver talked on the walkie-talkie to the other bus driver who was driving the other students in our school. That bus driver called the mechanics to come, dropped off the students on her bus at the school, and came back to pick us up back to school. Whenever we saw a bus coming, we all screamed, 'Save us!!!' Finally the correct bus came and the teacher took three students at a time to board the other bus,” Amanda told Gingerbread Weekly News.

A Leak in the Pipe
Someone* reported to Gingerbread Weekly News, “My house's hot water pipe is leaking and we don't even have a drip of hot water! We have to use cold water always. We have to take showers at friend's houses, swimming centers, and work places. We are going to repipe and it will be very messy since they have to dig holes to take out the leaking pipe and replace it with a good pipe. I wish we could live in some one's house or hotel when that happens.”
*Family names are to be kept private. This family would NOT want to give out their names.

Another Gingy...

Boring ads...hey, wait! A gingerbread guy? “Shrek the Third. Come watch it.............Gingy...” What? There's a gingerbread guy? Plus, his name is Gingy? In Shrek the Third? Vicky and Nicole told Gingerbread Weekly News, “ I saw this gingerbread guy called Gingy on an ad about Shrek the Third.” Later on in the day, Bryan brought the other “he Gingy” toy from Shrek the Third. The “she Gingy” said, “Hey! I don't want a brother!”

The Writing Contest
Everyone who entered the writing contest did a great job! Gingerbread Weekly News decided that these are the winners:

1st Place: Andy Wang, Brookvale Elementary
2nd Place: Nathan Chen, Warm Springs Elementary
3rd Place: Vicky Sun, Ardenwood Elementary


Be Careful!!!

Some bad news has been spread! One thing: Diane's classmate reported to the teacher that on the news online, it said that there were sixth grade Ardenwood boys who were giving out bags with poisonous rot candy. Diane's mother also saw an email about that. Second thing: Around the Ardenwood Plaza, Amanda's friend reported that someone had a gun and tried to shoot someone else. It's lucky that the gun had no ammo. Be careful, watch out!

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – A Picnic, So Boring, May 20 Issue:

Debate Time: Let's Play Ball-
Yes, because you get to waste one day of school.” Nicole, 4th Grade
Yes, because it's fun to watch a baseball game.” Vicky, 4th Grade
Yes!” Alex, 1st Grade
I think it would be fun to go to the baseball game and miss some school!” Sandy, 4th Grade

Debate Time: Cookies-
Peanut Butter Cookies, 7 or 8.” Nicole, 4th Grade
Peanut Butter Cookies, 5.” Vicky, 4th Grade
Gingerbread Cookies, 10!” Cynthia, 4th Grade
Snickerdoodles, 10.” Alex, 1st Grade
My favorite cookies are peanut butter cookies!” Sandy, 4th Grade

Cover Story:
The answer to “What do you think that creature was?” was a snake. Good job to: Vicky, Nicole, Alex, Cynthia, Sandy, and Andrew!

Volume I No. 2

A Picnic, So Boring......
This picnic is so boring! But then, Diane and Gingy tell of an adventurous adventure. What happened? Let's find out in this Gingerbread Weekly News.

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Let's Play Ball
Good or Bad?

Talk about baseball! Some say it's fun, others say it's boring; even if it means skipping a day of school. What would you think???

Most people say it's fun to have a baseball game. Of course it is for baseball fans, but how about just regular people tat aren't fans? Diane of Ardenwood Elementary is just one of them who says, "You get to go to school later [at 9:30 instead of 8:20] and skip a day of learning. It's a nice treat, once in a while." Her friend, Amanda of Forest Park says to her, "Lucky head!" Gingy agrees.
"Nerds" who aren't baseball fans say, "No way! It's just wasting a day of education. We [students] already get like five full-day field trips in a school year. There are so many [students] who are already "dumb" enough ad need a lot of help in education. It's a nice time to find a better future."
What do you think?

Cover Story

A Picnic, So Boring......
It was Saturday, May 12, 2007 and Diane's family was going to go to a picnic in Palo Alto. It was a picnic for the parents who went to Nanjing University. If course, Diane brought her beloved Gingy with her.
When they got there, there was nothing to do, at least the things to do were boring. Diane took several pictures of Gingy. Another kid named Amy came and played with Diane and Gingy. She also had a stuffed animal. It was a cat she named Kelly. Gingy and played together while Diane, her brother Alex, and Amy played together, but it was still boring. They ate a delicious lunch, though, that consisted of barbecued chicken, Chow Mein, a humongous hot dog with ketchup, and apple juice.
Five minutes after everyone finished lunch, the picnic people went on a hike up the hill near the picnic area. Because Diane took pictures and Amy wrote things on her notepad, Diane's family, Amy, and her mom became a small group behind the rest of the group. The large group ahead soon found a dead end, so Diane's little group got to the head of the group for awhile. Gingy told Gingerbread Weekly News, "It was so nice to be at the front for awhile. I didn't like catching up with them [the group] ahead." The two groups became one again, and went through a different trail up the mountain.
Throughout the hike going up, Diane and Gingy remained near the front of the group, Diane's dad and brother in the middle, and her mom, Amy, and Amy's mom at the tail, way behind. On the way down, everyone stayed as a group, besides Amy, her mom, and Diane's mom, and went on the car road back to the picnic area. Diane's dad took Diane and her brother through a shortcut on the grass. Then....something mysterious... Diane's brother screamed when he saw something black-and-white striped that slithered. Diane and Gingy didn't scream because they didn't know what it was until there was a "ssssssssssss" sound*. "I regret I didn't take a picture of that *, but it was sort of 'cool' seeing it."

After the hike, Diane's family flew kites. Diane's kite didn't go up, but it stayed low above the ground for a pretty long time. Soon it was time to go and Diane had to carry the kite across the huge meadow. The kite started rolling on its six "legs" so Diane "walked" it across the meadow and called it the "rolling pin". She told Gingerbread Weekly News, "It was so much easier and fun 'rolling' the kite, but not for my parents. The kite 'loved' to roll over my parents." Gingy adds, "This boring picnic had become an adventurous adventure!"
*What do you think that creature was?

New News

The Oakland Athletics Against The Kansas City Royals
Let's go Oakland, let's go (clap, clap)! Let's go Oakland, let's go (clap, clap)! Let's go Oakland, let's go (clap, clap)!” That was the cheering at the Oakland Coliseum. Ardenwood Intermediate students got to the Oakland A's game along with several other schools. “It was our [Ardenwood students'] reward for reading 2.5 million pages this school year,” Diane told Gingerbread Weekly News. “It's too bad the A's were losing 4 to 6 at the seventh inning when we were going to leave, but it was fun watching. I hope they can catch up to those Royals.” At the end of the day, Diane listened to the radio and told Gingerbread Weekly News, “We didn't miss much of the game. The Royals just gained one point. Too bad for the Oakland Athletics. Better luck next time.

The STAR Testing
It's finally over! Last week, the dreadful STAR Testing ended at last! Kids are relieved after the stressful pain. “It's time to have a bit of fun here,” Diane's mom says. Diane wonders, “But we [students] may not have done very well.” Her mom replies, “The thing is, you've had a busy year, and most of you have tried your hardest. It's time to rejoice.” Diane's family went to a picnic the Sunday after testing was over.

A “Fake” Bomb
Talk about boys fighting...but...this is serious. Amanda told Gingerbread Weekly News, “There was a call saying that there was a bomb at our [Forest Park Elementary] school. We stood in the grass for a half hour, waiting, in case there really was a bomb about to explode. They [staff and police] searched the whole school, but found nothing. The school was safe. What a mysterious call.”

The Writing Contest
Remember about the writing contest? Please turn in all your gingerbread mysteries by Friday, May 25, 2007. Good luck!

Mail Pail

Here's all the mail Gingerbread Weekly News received from last week's issue – The Mission, May 13 Issue:
“My opinion is that this Gingerbread Weekly Issue mabober was a great idea!” Cynthia, 4th Grade

Debate Time:
I think Richard because he doesn't really do anything to Gingy, just a few little things.” Vicky and Nicole, 4th Grade
I think that Richard likes Gingy more than the other three boys do. Don't you think so too?” Alex, 1st Grade

New News (The STAR Testing):
I think it's OK because the problems are easy, it just takes a lot of thinking and calculating.” Nicole, 4th Grade
I think it's medium because there are an equal amount of easy and hard questions.” Vicky, 4th Grade
t sucks like crazy and I never wanna do it again 'cause it's freaking boring and a waste of time......” Nathan, 5th Grade

Volume I No. 1

The Mission
What does Gingy do at Mission San Juan Bautista with Diane? Let's Find out in this Gingerbread Weekly News.

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time

Debate Time

BB Best Boy
Friend or Foe?

This is the “Gingerbread” Weekly News, right? So, which of these four boys would you consider acting the “best” to the famous gingerbread girl: Gingy? Let's see...

  • Andy:
    He entertains Gingy and makes her do funny things ... but ... he throws Gingy and makes Diane angry sometimes.

  • Bryan:
    He entertains Gingy, and makes her do funny things, but throws Gingy and makes Diane angry, though a lot more times.

  • Nathan:
    He doesn't do much about Gingy, sometimes just helps out Andy and Bryan. He does say bad things about Gingy, which makes her angry.

  • Richard:
    He doesn't do much about Gingy either. He says a few things bad about Gingy though.

Who do you think likes Gingy the best?

Cover Story

The Mission
Yippee! Time for a field trip! Diane takes her beloved Gingy on a field trip to Mission San Juan Bautista. Gingy explores the mission.


Gingy was bored in Diane's backpack and wanted to explore. Out she jumped and wandered around...but then...got tired after awhile and couldn't find Diane. She thought, “Whaaaaa! I'm lost forever!” Then Helen, a classmate of Diane's, found Gingy and picked her up. Diane was thinking, “This stupid field trip made me lose Gingy.” A minute later, Helen came and said, “I thought this was yours.”

New News

The STAR Testing
Doesn't everyone know that it's the dreadful STAR Testing time? Easy or hard? It seems easy for most. But last year people were saying it was easy too, though a fourth grader told Gingerbread Weekly News, “I thought it was so easy. But in August last year, the scores came out. I got something around 490 to 500 [out of 600] in language. My family went to check what I got wrong and I only got 3 problems wrong! I believe it [STAR Testing] isn't all that easy, but it still seems to be this year.”
Do you think STAR Testing is easy or hard?

A Writing Contest
Gingerbread Weekly News wants to have a writing contest with the topic: a gingerbread mystery.
Prize: 2 pencils, your choice (1st place only)
First, second, and third will all get a certificate.
First place winner's story will be attached to the end of the next Gingerbread Weekly News.
Good Luck to all!!!