“Go Local!”

“Go Local!” is GWN's motto, starting from May 27, 2008, a motto started by GWN Founder Diane Zhou's dad. “So many big chain companies, like McDonald's, own newspapers that turned from local to national or worldwide. That loses the meaning of 'local news', so I support GWN,” Diane's dad told GWN. GWN is being motivated by this motto. Without it, GWN would have disappeared long ago in November, 2007!

Volume II No. 6

Florida Fun!
GWN Founder Diane Zhou and GWN Writer Alex Zhou got to go to Orlando, Florida from June 25th to June 30th! She had tons of fun! Let's see the story Diane and Alex sent us...

You know, Turtie is just too busy for a Turtie's Kitchen Announcement. They may go back to monthly...

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Favorite Florida Fun
After reading about Diane Zhou's trip to Florida, which day was your favorite?

Read about Diane's trip to Florida on the Cover Story. Which day do you think you would like the best out of these?:
  • Day of Arrival!
  • Disneyworld: Magic Kingdom
  • Disneyworld: Epcot Center
  • John F. Kennedy Space Center
  • Disneyworld: Disney's Hollywood Studios
  • Day of Departure!
What do you think? Send your answers to:

GWN Announcement
GWN decided to have a new website! It's a blog where you can make comments on stories (you will receive tickets for your comments). Please do NOT write your debate answers on the blog though because then other people will see your answers to debate. There would be no point for Mail Pail! Also, sorry for the inconvenience, but GWN cannot make email copies unless you use Open Office. Open Office will NOT work on Microsoft Word. Sorry.

Cover Story

Florida Fun!
By GWN Founder Diane Zhou
Florida was really fun! It was actually my first time going there. It's exciting because my family doesn't travel a lot. The only other states I have been to (and played at) are Nevada, Illinois, Texas, and of course, California. Now add Florida to the list! It wasn't too hot in Florida, but it rained a lot...
My dad was actually on a business trip so he arrived in Florida on Monday, June 23rd. My mom, brother, and I got to Florida on Wednesday.
On Thursday, my dad had one more day of meetings in Orlando, so just my mom, Alex, and I went to play. We went to Disneyworld! We chose to go to Magic Kingdom on the first day because it's the main Disneyworld park. My mom got discount tickets from her work, IBM, so we didn't need to buy those expensive tickets. After we parked our rented Kia car, a tram took us to a place where we could ride a ferry or a monorail to the park. We decided to ride the ferry. Magic Kingdom is like a copycat of the Disneyland in Los Angeles. In fact, Orlando is the same as southern California! There's Disney, Seaworld, and even Universal Studios! Except in a much bigger version! Oh well...back to Magic Kingdom. We got some fast passes so the line would be much shorter. It's boring if I go into the details, I just went on tons of fun rides! About 5 of them. My favorite is Space Mountain. It's super fast and has many turns and drops. If you didn't know, I LOVE roller coasters! I rode Space Mountain with the other GWN Founder, my friend, Amanda Chang. She knows how fun it is too! Very sadly, it started raining around five o'clock. Then Alex just had to start complaining about his soaking shoes and blah blah blah. We bought a rain jacket so I could still go on indoor rides, but Alex just ruined my day. We went back to the parking lot by monorail, and that was the end of the first disastrous day of Florida...
By GWN Writer Alex Zhou
On Friday, June 27 Alex and his family went to Epcot. There, they went to the world center. They went on a ride that showed history. Then, they went on a ride in a clam that moves while watching Nemo. After they finished, they saw animals that live in the sea. Alex's sister saw a big turtle. Alex saw a stingray at the top of the water. How unusual of having a stingray at the surface of the water. Next, Alex's family went to eat lunch. Alex ate Macaroni and Cheese. Later, Diane and Alex went on a simulator ride. You're supposed to go on a mission to go to Mars. Alex had to be pilot and engineer because they were missing one person. Then, they went to a movie ride. It was about energy. There was a person named Ellen who didn't care about energy. She was watching Jeopardy when she fell asleep. She dreamed that she was in Jeopardy and there was a person named Judy who knew all about energy. The categories were all about energy so Judy got them all right in the lead with $17,800 in points. Albert Einstein was there and had $0 and Ellen had -$100. Later, Bill Nye comes and takes Ellen through time and they talk about energy. After that, they go back through time back to Jeopardy and Ellen won with a score of $35,600! Then, we watched Honey I Shrunk the Audience. It was very boring. Next, we went on a fast and fun ride, Test Track. It was fast! Later, we went around the world. First up, was Canada. We watched a movie named O'Canada. It was a good movie. Next was United Kingdom We did a Narnia Quiz. Later we went to France. We watched a show there. Next up, Morocco. We didn't do anything there. Then we went to Japan. We saw pokeplushies there. Alex wanted Chimchar and Diane got Turtwig. Next was USA. We only took a picture there. At china, we only looked around the shops. Next up Norway. We went on a ride there. The ride was fun. Later we went to Mexico. We didn't do anything there because we had to go on a ride called Soar'in. Soar'in was very fun. After that, we went all the way back to Japan and bought PokePlushies. After that we watched fireworks. It was a fun day!
(By GWN Founder Diane Zhou):
Our third day was spent at the John F. Kennedy Space Center. They still launch space shuttles there! We took a tour. We learned a lot of things! The first stop was just about America's beginning of space travel. Very unsuccessful. Russia was very successful at the time. Next was fun! We saw the exact control center of the first successful orbit around the moon by Americans. We also took a cool picture! All of the people in my family took individual pictures with poses like we were floating. Even the PokePlushies and Gingy (Yay! GWN's Gingy!) took pictures. We saw how the person put our poses together. We looked like we were floating in a spaceship! We ate lunch at this stop. The third and final stop was about the International Space Station orbiting around Earth. NASA is constantly sending people up there. After the tour, we rode a space shuttle simulator and went back to our hotel.
On our final full day in Florida, we went to Disney's Hollywood Studios! Fun! We went on rides and blah blah blah, but the best ride was the Tower of Terror! There's tons of drops, and I LOVE those! The second best was the fastest roller coaster in the whole Disneyworld. SUPER FAST, and with upside downs. Well, that was our trip to Florida, and back to Home Sweet Home!

New News

My 11th Birthday
By Birthday Girl Chloris Li
On Wednesday, June 4th, 2008, it was my 11th birthday. I was really excited! When I got downstairs to start my breakfast, there were 3 boxes of donuts. My dad or mom wrote a letter that said 1 box was glaze, 1 box was chocolate, and 1 box was filled with glaze and chocolate. I brought those donuts to school, eager to meet my friends. I found out that there was a substitute that day so my teacher never knew it was my birthday.
At school, I placed the donuts at the back desk. The substitute saw them and she asked if it was my birthday. My reply was yes. On the board, the substitute wrote down the schedule for the day. One part said to say Happy Birthday to me. I was so happy!
When the time came, I chose Deanna, my friend and classmate, to help me pass out the donuts. Most people took the chocolate donuts when I thought more people would've taken the glaze! After all that passing, my classmates, including the substitute teacher, sang happy birthday to me. I was pleased and happy!
At home, my mom bought an ice cream cake. The whole entire cake was ice cream! It was delicious! I was really full when I finished eating that day. I barely was able to eat my last piece of cake! I was proud of my presents. My whole family gave me a card, my friend Susan wrote Happy Birthday on a piece of paper, my friends Jessica and Chela made a card for me, Deanna was going to give me a card the next day, Diane, another friend, gave me a Japanese doll which I named it Jade, my mom gave me a Melody water bottle, and finally, my grandma gave me a red envelope! I was really happy! I hope I will be as happy in my 12th birthday! (I can't believe I'm almost a teen!)

Contributed to GWN by GWN Reader Cynthia Yao
I am currently in Japan on a tour. The food here is great and the places we go to are fun! So far, my favorite place is "Nara Deer Park". We got to pet the deer, and for some reason, they didn't seem to be scared of us at all. We walked to the museum, which was basically a monk temple. After walking around inside, we went back to the place with the deer. I was so excited! My mom had agreed to let us feed the deer with crackers which you could buy for 150 yen ($1.50 in U.S. currency) on the sides of the path. The deer were so cute. They kept bowing their heads, that meant they wanted more which I learned from our tour guide. After feeding the deer, we went to the souvenir store. I bought a small statue of a deer sitting on a slice of wood. We had to get back on the bus to go to our hotel. That's where I am right now! I'll see you later!

Jokes Center
By GWN Joke Maker Tiffany Chen
  • Squeeze it and it cries tears as red as its flesh, but has a heart made of stone.
    a cherry
  • Nicole is Cara's daughter's aunt's husband's daughter's sister. What is the relationship between Nicole and Cara?
    Nicole is Cara's niece.
  • What has two backbones and a thousand ribs?
    rail road tracks
YOU can send jokes to GWN too!

Emily Wang answered the interview about Kung Fu Panda! Here it is (you can answer it too):
GWN: How did you like Kung Fu Panda? Rate it from A through F.
Emily: A
GWN: Was it really funny? What was the funniest part?
Emily: It was funny. The funniest part was in the end when Po thought Master Shifu was dying and then he [Master Shifu] said, “I'm not dying, you idiot, I'm simply at peace.”
GWN: What was the secret ingredient? What had to be done to be the Dragon Warrior or even the be a great cook?
Emily: nothing
GWN: Which character in the movie would you like to be? Why?
Emily: Po
Remember about guessing what the secret ingredient is? Emily Wang is correct! Good job! Some people got the answer wrong, but it's okay. “Nothing” is a hard thing to guess.

Mail Pail

Favorite Place:
“My favorite place is Canada. In fact, I am going there on June 30th. My cousins and mostly everyone from my mom's side is there. I will meet my cousin over there and stay with a lot of people.” Laymeh Rahmanzai, almost 6th grade
“My favorite place to go is definitely California Adventures, Disneyland's sister park. It has some of the best rides!! =)” Brigitte Gong, almost 6th grade
“My favorite place to go is my grandma's house. I get to see my cousins.” Deanna Wong, almost 6th grade
“My favorite place is Great America. I would like to go there for 4th of July.” Susan Pham, almost 6th grade
“I think my favorite place is Home Sweet Home. Nothing is more soothing, loving, comfortable, or as important as a home. I always enjoy sleeping on my bed after a long vacation.” Diane Zhou, almost 6th grade

Divide Score?
“I think GWN should divide the scores since there are 2 people working on it together and they are most likely to get more words.” Chela Abregana, almost 6th grade
“Yes, two people did it. You should divide it by 1.5.” Deanna Wong, almost 6th grade
“I think you should divide scores, because that way, it will be fair to both of them.” Cynthia Yao, almost 6th grade
“I think you should divide their score by 2. Or, they can do separate entries. Yes, I think it is fair to divide the score by 1.25 if they get 100 or more points.” Susan Pham, almost 6th grade
“No because it doesn't really matter.” Emily Wang, almost 5th grade

Volume II No. 5

Kung Fu Panda
GWN Founder Diane Zhou sent her review about the new movie “Kung Fu Panda”! Read about the funny things on pages 6 – 7. GWN also interviewed Diane and some other people!

Say “Happy Belated Birthday” to Alex Zhou and Chloris Li! It was their birthdays on June 4th. Alex's birthday story is on pages 10 – 11. GWN News Update Corner is on page 2. There is more about the Word Contest on pages 2 – 3. Jokes are on page 3 and 11. Please check out the website for an International Day story from the Tri-City Voice (found and given to GWN by Nicholas Lien), videos of Diane and Chloris's performances, a Kung Fu Panda movie review from the Tri-City Voice, and more! Turtie is back with another Turtie's Kitchen Announcement!

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Favorite Place
Where is your favorite place to go to?

School is finally over! (Please send fun end-of-the-year stories to GWN!!!) Summer vacation is here, so where will you go (Also send vacation stories!)? Speaking of where you will go, where is your favorite place, or where do you think is your favorite place? Please send answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

GWN News: Update Corner!
Dear GWN Readers,
There are a couple updates in GWN!
1) You can answer to the debate on the website now! Please do not answer on the website if you have email. Freewebs only allows 25 submissions a month.
2) Summer is here so GWN cannot see everyone in person! Paper tickets cannot be given out, but GWN will continue to calculate your tickets. You will receive all tickets when school starts in September!
Have a great summer (and be sure to send your interesting and fun vacation stories!)!
Gingerbread Weekly News

More About the Word Contest
Remember about the word contest where you can try to make the most words out of the word GINGERBREAD? GWN forgot to mention many things.
First of all, the deadline for this contest is June 22nd. You can always send in early and update your list. The judges will be Diane Zhou and Chloris Li. Chloris will be participating in the contest, but we promise she doesn't see other people's words before she is done submitting all her words.
Amanda Chang and Katherine Xiao wanted to submit an entry together. If two people would like to submit an entry together, GWN may divide the number of words by 2 or 1.5 since it would be unfair to have 2 people's words together....or would it be fair? That gets to another debate:

Divide Score?
Should GWN divide two-people entries? If yes, by how much?

GWN will allow Amanda and Katherine to submit an entry together. But GWN wants to divide their score by 2, 1.5, or 1.25 to be fair, while Amanda thinks GWN shouldn't. What do you GWN readers think?
For now, GWN will divide their score by 1.5, and they will get a bonus of dividing by 1.25 if they get 100 words. Do you think this is fair?
Send all your answers to GWN please!!!

Cover Story

Kung Fu Panda
Written and Typed by GWN Founder Diane Zhou
My family and GWN Reader Emily Wang's family went to Century Theaters in Union City to watch Kung Fu Panda on Saturday, June 14. People at my school, Ardenwood Elementary, said it was very funny, for young and old. A yard duty parent asked me what the “secret ingredient” was. I told her the next day, but I won't tell you what it is, watch the movie for yourself!
Kung Fu Panda is basically about an enemy, Tai Lang, who got out of prison and wanted a scroll so he could be the Dragon Warrior. He used to be a good Master's son, but when he mastered Kung Fu and was ready to be the Dragon Warrior, Master Turtle, the great Kung Fu master, sensed darkness inside Tai Lang. Tai Lang got angry and crazy so Master Turtle had to trap him. Now, since Tai Lang was free and Master Turtle was becoming weak, he needed to find the chosen one. It happened to be a big fat panda named Po. See the movie to know how things went...
Turtie was very happy that he, the turtle, was a master! There was tons of laughing during the movie. I really enjoyed the movie too!

GWN interviewed Diane and some other people:
GWN: How did you like Kung Fu Panda? Rate it from A through F.
Diane Zhou: Kung Fu Panda was very interesting. It was fun and I was laughing like every 5 seconds! I would rate it an A- or B+. The movie was pretty original, having Kung Fu and a lot of Chinese in it. I love the part where the turtle is the wise one!
Shudong Zhou: B
Carol Zhang: A (Assume A is the best)
Alex Zhou: A
GWN: Was it really funny? What was the funniest part?
Diane: It was totally funny! I think the funniest part was...well, the whole thing! I really remember the part where the panda stole the cookies and when the he always thought of food. I also remember when he sat right on top of Tai Lang.
Shudong: Panda makes a face because of acupuncture.
Carol: Yes, it is really funny. Funniest part: When Tai Lung saw Po, he said: Hm, a panda, what are you going to do with me? Sit on me?
Alex: It was very funny. The funniest part was when Po made Tia Lunghigh into the air and when he came down and made a hole.
GWN: What was the secret ingredient? What had to be done to be the Dragon Warrior or even the be a great cook? *****
GWN: Which character in the movie would you like to be? Why?
Diane: I might want to be the turtle. He is wise, and I like turtles. I might also want to be Tigress. I would certainly NOT want to be the Panda. I like him in the sense that he is funny, but I don't want to be fat, even if that would make me a hero.
Shudong: Wugui, wise and powerful.
Carol: Po, of course. He is funny, enthusiasm, never give up. Good role model for us.
Alex: Po because he is funny.
GWN: Thanks for taking the interview!
If you would like to take the interview, email to GWN, along with your name, the questions, and your answers. You will receive one ticket for taking the interview!

***** What was the “secret ingredient”? Guess, or if you watched the movie, tell us about the secret ingredient. Email to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com by June 27th. You will receive one ticket for guessing and one more if your answer is correct.

Turtie's Kitchen Announcement

From the desk of Turtie Turtle
Hi GWN Readers!
I am here again, just like I promised! Still a little busy, so there will be no cooking tips. I decided to take the Kung Fu Panda interview though, so here are my answers! Gingy decided to take it too, so her answers are also here!
Turtie Turtle, Owner of Turtie's Kitchen

Please note that these are all false email addresses.
From: “GWN” gwn@gingerbreadwklynews.org
To: “Diane Zhou” diane@email.com , “Amanda Chang” amanda@email.com
Cc: “Turtie Turtle” turtie@turtieskitchen.com , “Gingy” gingy@gingerbreadwklynews.org

Subj: Interview for Kung Fu Panda
Here is an interview for everyone to answer about Kung Fu Panda, the movie that just came out. Reply to this email with the questions filled in:

How did you like Kung Fu Panda? Rate it from A through F:

Was it really funny? What was the funniest part?

What was the secret ingredient? What had to be done to be the Dragon Warrior or even to be a great cook?

Which character in the movie would you like to be? Why?

Thanks for taking the interview!
From: “Turtie Turtle” turtie@turtieskitchen.com
To: “GWN” gwn@gingerbreadwklynews.org

Subj: Re: Interview for Kung Fu Panda
These are my answers to the interview!

I loved Kung Fu Panda (especially since a turtle is the wise one). I'd rate it A!!!

It was very very funny! I like the part where Po (the panda) stole cookies. At the end when it showed the credits, it showed the monkey looking for the cookies and Po hiding.

*(Will not show the secret until everyone is done guessing!!! See Cover Story.)

I would LOVE to be Master WuGui, the great Kung Fu master that is a turtle!!! I am a turtle too :-)
From: “Gingy Gingerbread” gingy@gingerbreadwklynews.org
To: “GWN” gwn@gingerbreadwklynews.org

Subj: Re: Interview for Kung Fu Panda
These are my answers to the interview!

Kung Fu Panda was pretty good. I am happy that my pet, Turtie, is a wise Kung Fu master! I rate it B.

It was hilarious! I love the part (no offense to Po) where one animal says, “How can he [Po] learn kung fu if he can't even touch his toes?” and another one says, “Or even see his toes.”

*(Will not show the secret until everyone is done guessing!!! See Cover Story.)

I want to be Tigress because she is a good guy and is good at Kung Fu.

New News

A Field Trip to Don Edward's San Francisco Bay National Wild Life Refuge
Written and Typed by GWN Writer Alex Zhou
On Thursday, May 29, 2008 half of the second graders at Ardenwood School went on a field trip to Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The second graders played many fun games and activities. Alex's favorite activity was looking in owl pellets (owl throw up). Too bad Alex didn't have a skull in his owl pellet. He also liked the last activity about wetlands. Everyone had to pretend to be an animal and only can eat the food that the animal eats. In another activity, students had to look for an animal that lives in the mud. They were small but can still be seen. The students got to use microscopes. The park rangers told us to protect wetlands because there are less wetlands and a lot of animals that are endangered live there. One of them are endangered because there are less wetlands and because of predation. This field trip was the best one ever!

Alex's 8th Birthday Party
Written and Typed by Birthday Boy Alex Zhou
On Saturday, June 7, 2008 Alex had his 8th birthday party. His real birthday is June 4. He and his friends mostly played video games. When it was time to eat, most of them didn't. Only he and Austin ate. After that, they started playing video games again. Then they ate ice cream cake and sang happy birthday. They went outside and played with flying disks on the field at Ardenwood School. Afterwards, they went back to Alex's house and started playing video games...again! About an hour later, parents started arriving. My neighbors stayed the longest since they live next door. It was a fun birthday party!

Big Red Ball
Written and Typed by GWN Writer Chloris Li
On Friday, June 13th, 2008, there was a substitute in my classroom at Ardenwood Elementary. We had extra recess. The substitute brought a large red ball outside and the fifth-grade boys started playing basketball with it. Someone shot it inside the hoop and the ball couldn't come back out. The boys used theirs shoes and it did nothing. Later, a boy found a stick and he used it to push it out but it didn't work. The primary kids (first to third graders) were staring at them. Later, GWN Founder Diane Zhou (I think she is the tallest fifth-grade girl in our class.) tried pushing the ball out with the stick and it didn't work. Later, we gave the stick to the substitute [because he was the tallest out of all of us]to push the ball out of the hoop. It still didn't work because I think he doesn't want to work. Finally, the boy who found the stick carried his friend on his shoulders and they got it out! YAY! After all that, all the fifth graders decided to play dodge ball.

Joke Center
Written and Typed by GWN Joke Maker Tiffany Chen
  • There is a word that I know, six letters it contains, subtract one, and twelve remains. What is it?
  • What can run but not walk, has a mouth but can't talk, has a head but never thinks, has a bed but never sleeps?
    a river
  • The more of this you take, the more you leave behind.

Mail Pail

Coupon or Dollar?
“I think there should be dollars! Coupons are like dicounts. It doesn't really make sense to me so I think there should be dollars!” Chloris Li, almost 6th grade
“I chose GWN Dollars, because they sound better.” Brigitte Gong, almost 6th grade
“Coupons because then GWN can decorate it however they want and it wouldn't sound like money.” Tiffany Chen, almost 8th grade
“Dollars, it sounds much nicer.” Deanna Wong, almost 6th grade

Boxes or Circles?
“Boxes should be found on the coupons/dollars. GWN Tickets already has circles and to make coupons/dollars to look much different, you should use boxes! Besides, I don't think circles look so good on tickets anyways.” Chloris Li, almost 6th grade
“I like circles better!” Brigitte Gong, almost 6th grade
“Circles, it looks much nicer and a dollar uses circles.” Deanna Wong, almost 6th grade

Employees Only?
“It shouldn't be for employees only. That won't be fair for the readers. Anyways, why waste 5 parts of a paper? Just trade 5 for 1!” Chloris Li, almost 6th grade
“No, I think GWN should give the tickets to everyone. This way, the readers will want to answer debates and send stories.” Brigitte Gong, almost 6th grade
“No, GWN coupons shouldn't for employees only because everyone has a right to deserve them, just like everyone else.” Tiffany Chen, almost 8th grade

“I think there should be dollars with squares on them. If you use dollars and coupons, dollars should be for GWN employees, and coupons should be for GWN readers.”
Susan Pham, almost 6th grade

News from the Tri-City Voice

Our GWN readers and employees are on the Tri-City Voice! These are some stories:

Ardenwood Elementary International Day Celebration
Submitted (to the Tri-City Voice) By Michelle Motoyoshi
Fremont has become a potpourri of cultures and nowhere is this more apparent than at Ardenwood Elementary School's International Day celebration. Each year parents, teachers and students come together to share a slice of their world with one another; the result is a lively show that educates and entertains.
This year's event was no exception. It began with a parade of flags, a tradition started by Principal Paula Rugg and modeled after the march of nations at the Olympics. Students from the primary grades, many dressed in traditional garments, carried paper flags representing their nationalities as they strolled through campus.
Immediately following the parade, fourteen groups from the primary grades (1 - 3) performed traditional songs and dances from around the globe. Thirteen groups from the intermediate grades (4 - 6) performed in a separate show shortly thereafter. The slate of acts included Chinese and Korean martial arts demonstrations, dances from the Philippines, Cameroon, Ireland, Tahiti, and India, and music from Japan and Europe. Two of the acts were multicultural in nature. In "A Folk Medley" a group of students from the primary grades performed songs and dances from Russia and India. Another act, called "Goa Amache," featured music and dance from Goa, a region in India with strong Portuguese influences.
To participate in International Day, the performers had to audition before a panel of three judges. Judges selected actsaccording to several criteria, including whether the performance showcased a unique aspect of the culture it represents and whether the content was appropriate and interesting for the children. This year 35 groups auditioned for a slot in the primary grades show, while 13 auditioned for the intermediate grades.
Students and parents spent weeks preparing for the show, often spending 2-3 hours rehearsing after school. Their hard work was readily apparent in the energetic and engaging performances and in the vibrant costumes, many handmade by parents. The audience of over 200 parents and students clearly appreciated their efforts.
Ardenwood's International Day was established 21 years ago by a committee of parents and teachers. Today the event continues to thrive because of the dedication of parent and teacher volunteers, in particular Shanthi Satish, coordinator of the event. Mrs. Satish has run the event for the past three years. She said that she took on the responsibility because "I felt this event was a very good opportunity for our Ardenwood children to work together as a group, showcase the rich and varied culture of their native country to their fellow schoolmates, and of course, display their individual talents."
Though Mrs. Satish will not coordinate International Day a fourth time (her children will graduate from Ardenwood this year), she would like to see the event expand to include displays of artifacts and clothing from different cultures as well as booths providing information on the countries represented in the show.
If student and parent enthusiasm is any indication, Mrs. Satish's hope for the event will be realized. As Dorothea Randolph, grandmother of two Ardenwood pupils put it, "We need to give the kids more of this so they can be ready for the world."
GWN Founder Diane Zhou played the Chinese Zither and GWN Writer Chloris Li danced at International Day!

Movie Review: Kung Fu Panda
(From the Tri-City Voice Writer) By Mona Shah
The film is set in and around China's Valley of Peace where there are no humans, only talking animals. In the tradition of lovable but challenged cartoon heroes, along comes Po (Jack Black), the well-meaning if awkward Panda bear who happens to be the world's biggest fan of kung fu. It isn't exactly a talent needed for his place of employment, the family noodle shop. Po spends his days dreaming about martial arts while serving noodle soup.
At a nearby temple, Head Monk, Master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim), has had a vision that power-mad Tia Lung (Ian McShane) will escape from prison and ravage the Valley in his quest for dominance. To prevent this, Oogway must find the "Dragon Warrior." There are five obvious candidates - the Furious Five, all apprentices to Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) - Monkey (Jackie Chan), Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Viper (Lucy Liu), Crane (David Cross), and Mantis (Seth Rogen). Yet, as the result of a seemingly random series of events, Oogway chooses Po. This comes as a surprise not only to an outraged Shifu but to his pupils as well.
When unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality. The very thought of Po confronting Tia Lung is laughable since the fat panda even has trouble making it to the top of the temple's stairs. But Po has hidden talents that Shifu is able to discover and unlock, even as time grows short.
Can Po turn his dreams of becoming a kung fu master into reality? Po puts his heart into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.
See Cover Story for GWN Founder Diane Zhou's story! You can take the interview and email it to GWN too!

Fremont Flute Ensemble
to perform classical concert
Submitted (to the Tri-City Voice) By Alicia Unis
For the Summer Concert 2008, the Fremont Flute Ensemble will perform French composer Camille Saint-Saens' famous work, "The Carnival of Animals."
Consisting of fourteen short pieces, each piece embodies a zoological motif, painting a delightful musical portrait of a lion, chickens, turtles, an elephant, kangaroos and the immensely popular swan. Originally written for orchestra and piano, this work has been arranged for flute ensemble with narration.
The program will also include "Concerto in G" for two flutes by D. Cimarosa and the well-known "Canon in D" by Johann Pachebel.
The Fremont Flute Ensemble was established in October 2004 under its music director, Mr. Shao Jiang Huang, the former principal flutist of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. In comparison with other flute ensembles in the United States, this young ensemble has made its name on the local scene and in the Bay Area within a short period of time.
In Spring 2007, the Fremont Flute Ensemble gave a premier performance of the "Romeo and Juliet Ballet Suite" No. 2 by Sergei Prokofiev. It was the first flute ensemble collaboration with strings, percussion, and narration. The performance was well received and the audience was delighted with the new arrangement of such a famous Shakespearean drama.
Our goal is to introduce famous classical works to the audience, especially to the young children.
This concert will be a nice weekend treat for both parents and children, so come and enjoy this enlightening performance.
GWN Reader Andy Wang was part of this performance.

Volume II No. 4

GWN News!
There is basically no Cover Story this week, but the huge 70-entry contest results are out! Check it out on pages 4 – 5! The pictures will also be on the web. Events are on page 4, a new contest is on page 5, and some jokes are on page 6. Sorry, but Turtie has been too busy to have a Turtie's Kitchen Announcement! He promises to be back next week!

GWN is testing a new blog: http://gingerbreadwklynews.blogspot.com/

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

GWN Update Debate:
New Tickets!

Typed by GWN Typist Katherine Xiao
GWN wants to have new tickets! They will be worth 5 normal tickets. There are several debate topics for this update:

Coupon or Dollar?
Should these tickets be called GWN coupons or Dollars?

Coupon! Coupons sound much better. If “Dollars” are used, it will sound like money. Coupons also sound "cheaper".
Dollar! Dollars sound more “professional” because it is like money. Coupons sound like discounts instead of GWN "money"

Boxes or circles?
Should there be boxes or circles in the corners?

Boxes! Boxes look like money, don't they? They would also look different from normal GWN tickets.
Circles! Boxes look very ugly! all GWN "stuff" should have a certain look, so us circles!

Employees Only?
Should GWN Dollars be for employees only?

Yes! This way, there would be something special for employees. They would be "paid". GWN wouldn't "pay" for debate or sending stories, right?
No! It just makes life easier if this is for EVERYONE. GWN is just for fun, so no big deal. No, it should be for EVERYBODY!

Cover Story

  • Birthdays! Say “Happy Belated Birthday” to Alex Zhou and GWN reader Chloris Li! It was their birthdays on June 4th.
  • Last day of school for New Haven School District! June 11th was the last day school for students in Union City!
  • Last day of school for Fremont Unified School District! June 18th is the last day of school for students in Fremont.
  • Father's Day. Say “Happy Father's Day” to your dad on June 15th!
Typed by GWN Typist Susan Pham

Pokémon Contest Results
The Pokémon drawing contest results are finally out! Before GWN announces the winners, please know that everyone did a great job, and the point system was made because it was too hard to decide the winners just by looking at the pictures. Many people won over others by just fractions of a point!
This is by far the most popular contest GWN has ever had, about 70 entries were turned in! Thank you, GWN readers! Everyone must be interested in Pokémon! Everyone did a great job!
Winners: Here are the winners –
  1. 1st place – Katherine Xiao's Palkia with 13.75 points! 4th grade
  2. 2nd place – Alex Zhou's Battle Scene (3-way battle of Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Arceus) with 13.5625 points! 2nd grade
  3. 3rd place – Austin Xiong's Lugia with 13.3125 points! 5th grade
  4. 4th place – Haobo Zhang's Battle Scene (3-way battle of Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Artizaptres) with 12.75 points! 5th grade
  5. 5th place (tie) – Alden Haryanto's “Feeding Pokémon” picture with 12.625 points! 4th grade;
    Tied with Nicholas Lien's Bonsly with 12.625 points! 4th grade
Honorable Mentions: Here are the HM awarders –
  • Most Decorative – Claudia Vu's Buizel! 4th grade
  • Most Difficult – Austin Zuo's Dialga, Palkia, and Darkrai! 2nd grade
  • Neatest, Girls – Olivia Li's Torchic! 4th grade
  • Neatest, Boys – Sean Li's Turtwig! 2nd grade
  • Most Creative – Chloris Li's poster! 5th grade
  • Plain HM – Deanna Wong's Chimchar! 5th grade;
    Susan Pham's Turtwig! 5th grade
Congratulations to everyone!

New Contest!
This is Diane Zhou's teacher, Mr. Gracey's, idea for GWN. At school, Diane's class had to make the most words out of the word TRIANGLE. There were 100! Now GWN wants YOU to make the most words out of this word: GINGERBREAD.
This contest will probably not be as big as the Pokémon drawing contest, but please try it out! Just send all the words you made, your name and age, and you can always “update” your list. GWN will email you every three days to show you your list. Reply to the email with new words to update the list. Good luck!

New News

Bee Hive
By GWN Writer Deanna Wong
On Thursday (May 21), during the sixth grade lunch, bees started coming out of the bee hive. Mr. Loisel made everyone go out of the pod. After lunch the bees were back in the bee hive. Mr. Tietze let his class out early to look at the bee hive.
Typed by GWN Typist Susan Pham

Jokes Center
By GWN Joke Maker Yiming Ye
  • Bob: I flunked my grades, I flunked my grades.
    Why did you repeat it?
    My teacher said I had to repeat this grade twice.
  • Which kind of dog does Dracula like best?
    A Bloodhound!
  • Beware: This joke is gross. One day, a man went to Mexico. “I would like a hot dog,” he said to a Hot Dog man. The man said “Okay. But in Mexico, we call it a weiner.” Then, the man went to a donkey seller. He said, “I want to buy a donkey.” The seller said, “Okay! But in Mexico, we call it butt.” Then, the man went to a women who just came from America that didn't know about Mexico. The man said, “Could you hold my weiner while I tie my butt?”
Typed by GWN Typist Susan Pham

Field Trip to Ranch Park!
By GWN Writer Olivia Li
On Friday, June 6, rooms 43, 39, and 33 went to Hall Ranch Park! It's a "tradition" they have been doing for a few years now.
At 8:30, the kids and Mr. Barreto (room 33's sub) met at the front of the school. When they all were ready, they started walking. Mrs. Kochar (Olivia's teacher) and Mr. Herbert (room 39's teacher) followed their cars, carrying the sport supplies, backpacks, and lunches.
When they got there, the kids scattered and ran all over the place. There's 4 playgrounds, a sftball field, a basketball court, and a tennis court.
About an hour later, Mrs. Kochar's 2-year old son Armaan came with Mr. Kochar. Olivia decided to play with him. After a while, she learned that he was impossible to keep up with! His mom said that he was "active." However, Olivia disagrees. She thinks he is hyper.
It was a FUN-tastic field trip!!
Typed by GWN Typist Katherine Xiao

Mail Pail

War in Iraq, Worth It?
“No, it is DEFINITELY not worth it!! California's government even cut money from the schools to support the war!! Now most teachers and students are suffering from it!!! I'll be SOOO glad when he goes out of office.” Brigitte Gong, 5th grade
“No, Iraq didn't do anything to America.” Deanna Wong, 5th grade
“No, it is not worth spending money on wars. We should have peace in this world!” Susan Pham, 5th grade
“I don't think it's worth it to spend all that money! The money could be used for more important things like education.” Cynthia Yao, 5th grade
“No, of course not! George W. Bush is the worst president ever! He's sending young and old soldiers to a pointless war and many lives are lost.” Cynthia Kuo, 5th grade
“I don't think spending a lot of money for the war isn't worth it. I don't even think there should be wars. If you want something from another country, ask them politely first. If they won't give it to you, then just leave them alone. It belongs to them so they can do whatever they want with it.” Chloris Li, 5th grade
“No, it's not worth it.” Emily Wang, 4th grade
“No, I don't even see the point of having a war in Iraq.” Nicole Sun, 5th grade
“Bush stated two reasons for Iraq war. (1) Iraq had something to do with 9/11; (2) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Both reasons are false, so the war is unjustified, even if it cost no money for U.S.” Shudong Zhou, adult

Best Movie:
“I liked Prince Caspian the best. I loved all the action and adventure!” Brigitte Gong, 5th grade
“Prince Caspian, it looks interesting.” Deanna Wong, 5th grade
“I think Prince Caspian sounds more interesting than the other movies.” Susan Pham, 5th grade
“Prince Caspian. I watched the first one and I wanted to find out what would happen next.” Cynthia Kuo, 5th grade; Katherine Cui, 5th grade; and Sara Ye, 4th grade
“I think I will like Prince Caspian the best since it is a family movie and I liked the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe which was from the Chronicles of Narnia. I never read the book or saw the movie but I will. I will want to see if the movie is really better than the book.” Chloris Li, 5th grade
“I want to watch Indiana Jones or Iron Man.” Emily Wang, 4th grade
“I liked Indiana Jones the best, followed by Prince Caspian.” Shudong Zhou, adult

Volume II No. 3

Zhou Family Movie Month
The Zhou family (GWN Founder Diane Zhou's family) went to watch new movies in May, 3 weekends in a row! Diane, Alex, and Shudong sent summaries to GWN! Read them in this issue! You can email your movie summaries to GWN's email address.

There's so much news! It's a SPECIAL EDITION with 4 more pages! Read about all this news this week!

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

War in Iraq, Worth It?
George Bush is spending a lot of money for the war in Iraq. Do you think spending money for wars is worth it?

GWN Reader and Typist Cynthia Yao suggested this debate idea about 2 months ago. We finally have a chance to use your idea, Cynthia. Thanks for the idea! Do you think we should spend so much money for wars like this?
Please do not offend Bush, just give your opinions to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

Best Movie
Out of Iron Man, Prince Caspian, and Indiana Jones, which movie do you like the best (or think you will like the best)?

The Zhou family watched movies 3 weeks in a row! Out of the three movies they watched, and according to their stories (on the Cover Story), which movie do or think you like the most? Send answers to GWN's email address please!

Pokémon Drawing Contest
GWN is extending the deadline for the Pokémon drawing contest to June 3rd because several GWN Readers told Diane Zhou and Amanda Chang that they needed extra time. We will not review the rules again on paper issues, but they will still be on our website: http://www.freewebs.com/gingerbreadwklynews.
Last week GWN asked readers if they wanted to have Honorable Mention (HM) awards, and it seems like “Yes!”, we should have HM awards. GWN decided that we will award 1st through 5th places, and have 5 more HM awards! See what people said about HM awards in the Mail Pail section on page 8.
This means that first place gets 6 tickets, second place 5, third place 4, fourth place 3, fifth place 2, and HM awarders 1. All of these people and other participants get another GWN ticket for participating! GWN will run out of tickets!!!
Remember to just try your best. Be creative, neat, try new things, and have fun! Good luck, everyone! Results are out next week.

Cover Story

Zhou Family Movie Month
The Zhou family went to watch new movies three weeks in a row in May! Alex (age 7), Shudong (adult), and Diane Zhou (age 11) sent summaries and opinions about the movies they liked to GWN. Thanks, Alex, Shudong, and Diane!

Iron Man
Written and Typed by Alex Zhou
On Saturday, May 10, Alex and his family went to watch Iron Man. It was awesome. There was a lot of technology that doesn't exist. A person named Tony Stark made many weapons like missiles. There was this person who worked with Tony Starks dad. Since his dad died, the person had to work with Tony Stark. He didn't like Tony Stark and wanted to kill him. He sent him on a dangerous mission. The people there wanted Tony Stark to build a missile. He had to build it in a cave. Instead of building a missile, he started to build an iron person. He finished it but he didn't have enough time to go wear it to escape so the people went after him. While the people went to the place where Tony Stark was working, he wore the iron suit. He finished in time and killed the people. He escaped. He also made many other iron men. At the end, Tony Stark almost got killed. Some people in the cave survived and they were friends with the person who wanted to kill Tony Stark. The people found the parts of an iron man and took it. The friend of them took it and Tried to kill Tony Stark. At the end, Tony Stark survived. It was an awesome movie!

Prince Caspian
Written and Typed by GWN Founder Diane Zhou
On Sunday, May 18, my family went to Century Theaters in Union City to watch “Prince Caspian”, the second movie of “The Chronicles of Narnia”. I read the novel and the whole series by C.S. Lewis already and wanted to compare it to the movie. I have to say, which is rarely said, that the movie was better than the book! I did well at my ice skating competition on May 17 (from last week's issue), so my parents let me watch Prince Caspian.
The movie was pretty similar to the novel. I don't want to spoil the movie for you, so I'll just briefly tell you the backgrounds. In the first book and movie, four children named Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy found themselves in a land called Narnia. They fought against the evil White Witch with the help of a wise lion named Aslan. Aslan killed the White Witch and freed Narnia of the spell the Witch casted. She casted a spell that made Narnia winter forever. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy became the Kings and Queens of Narnia. They forgot about Earth until they found themselves back into the wardrobe in which they came from.
In Prince Caspian, the four of them returned the Narnia when Prince Caspian, in Narnia, blew a magical horn (that was owned by Susan when she was Queen) that promised help. You should watch the movie to find out what happened to Narnia after 1300 years and see how evil and different Narnia was. Hope you enjoy!
I still think I like the first movie, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” more. It was very original and I think, more interesting. It was still very fun to see what happened next. “Prince Caspian” was interesting with the jokes in it. You should watch the movie once you have a chance! (It's rated PG.)

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull
Written and Typed by Shudong Zhou
Our family went together to see the latest Indiana Jones movie. We first went to AMC in Cuptertino on Saturday (May 24) afternoon, but the tickets were sold out for the showtime we picked. We ended up watching the 11:30am (on May 25) show at Century 21 in Union City. When we sat down in the show room, Matthew Kim, Alex's friend, arrived with his family and sat down in the row behind us. Alex happily changed his seat to be directly in front of Matthew.
The movie started with a team of Soviet agents going to a military base, "Hangar 51", in New Mexico, where a lot of unusual artifacts are stored. Indiana Jones was carried here to help find a crate holding the remains of an alien life, along with his old partner Mac. While attempting to escape the Soviet agents, he found that Mac was actually a Soviet agent as well! Indiana escaped anyway.
Indiana Jones (Indy) is a professor of history and archeology, a fictional character created by George Lucas, the same person who created the Star Wars movie series. He believes that students should learn history and archeology by going out on adventures instead of sitting in classrooms and libraries. Each Indiana Jones movie depicts an adventure to discover the secret behind a legendary artifact. In the first movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana went to Egypt to find "the Lost Ark", a golden box containing the Ten Commandments according to the Bible. In the second movie, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana goes to India and escapes danger with the power of Sankara Stones. In the third movie, Indiana Jones and Last Crusade, Indiana searched for the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus used at supper the night before he died.
The Kingdom of Crystal Skull is the fourth movie. After escaping from the Soviet agents, Indiana went back to Marshall College in New York. But he had to take a leave of absence because of his association with Mac, now being investigated for helping the Soviet Union. As he was leaving New York, he was stopped by a young man named Mutt Williams. Mutt told him that his old friend Oxley disappeared after finding a crystal skull with magic power. So Indiana went with Mutt to Peru to find Oxley.
In Peru, they retraced the steps of Oxley and found the Crystal Skull, but was captured again by the same group of Soviet agents Indiana escaped from at the beginning of the movie. The Soviet agents wanted to unlock the psychic power in the Crystal Skull, but didn't know how. By forcing Oxley and Indiana to communicate with the skull, they found that the skull
wanted to be returned to Akator. The story took us through the jungle, down the Amazon river, and to the ancient ruins of the Mayan culture. Along the way, Indiana fought against the Soviet agents as well as dangers in nature.
Did Indiana and his friends return the Crystal Skull to the right place? Did the Soviet agents unlock of the psychic power of the Crystal Skull? You should watch the movie to find out!
Note--Crystal Skulls are human skulls made from clear quartz, claimed to be made in ancient times (before Christopher Columbus came to America) and exhibit paranormal behavior. Modern science has shown that they are made in late 19th century with no spiritual power.

Sounds fun to watch new movies three weeks in a row!

New News

Open House
By GWN Writer Olivia Li
On Wednesday, May 21, it was Open House at Olivia Li's school! (Pioneer in Union City) Olivia is in Rm. 43, the last room in the school. It's a combo class, so there's 4th and 5th grade work displayed. Olivia's teacher is Mrs. Kochar, who's been teaching for a long time.
Typed by GWN Typist Susan Pham

Young Author's Fair
By GWN Writer Nicole Tong
On Thursday, May 22, it was the Logan Young Author Fair. Nicole Tong's book was chosen to go, because her pictures were so good. (Mrs. Engberg, media teacher, said.) Also, her book teaches about a family that fights a lot, but finally understands about love. Many people gave good comments about it.
Typed by GWN Typist Susan Pham

Open House
Written and Typed by GWN Writer Chloris Li
On May 13th, 2008, my school had an Open House. While I was inside the car, I saw GWN Reader Deanna Wong right behind my aunt's car. I waved at her and she waved at me! When I reached there, I saw GWN Editor Diane Zhou. I also saw her brother Alex Zhou holding Gingy the Gingerbread. First, I walked to my classroom (Room 31). My mom checked in and she walked to my desk. I saw GWN Reader Susan Pham at her desk. YAY! I showed my mom my Science Project, History Report and Map, Reading Packets, and the song I made up. Mr. Gracey (My Teacher) told me to put it on my desk so everyone can see. After that, I went to the Science Lab and the Computer Lab. Finally, I left for Dance Class because my dance class begins at 7:00p.m. and it was around 7:15p.m. I hope I won't be that late.

Yiming Ye is our new joke maker! Here are the jokes he made up this week:
  • Why did the vacuum cleaner cross the road?
    Because it sucked almost as much as you.
  • What do you get when you cross the road with a water balloon and a porcupine?
    You get wet.
  • Three hunters came upon strange tracks. The first on said “Those are bear tracks”, The second on said, “Those are mouse tracks!”. The third on never got to say anything... because he was hit by a train. Those tracks were train tracks!

Origami: Praying Mantis
(continued from Diane Zhou's story from 2 weeks ago)
Written and Typed by GWN Typist Susan Pham
One day, during Science Lab, Mrs. Kagel gave us a paper about an event happening at Ohlone College. Then, since I was bored, I made a paper heart out of that paper. When Science Lab ended, I showed everyone my paper heart. Later, Diane said, "I could make that!". So, she did. Then, our teacher, Mr. Gracey, gave me and Diane a book. On the front cover, there was a Praying Mantis. Later, Diane started making the paper heart. She then saw Mr. Gracey coming her way. Diane tried to hide it under her desk. TOO LATE!! Mr. Gracey had the idea of us (Diane, Susan, Chloris, Deanna, and some sixth graders) making a paper Praying Mantis by looking at the book, and seeing Diane making paper hearts. He now calls us the "Praying Mantis Club". The next day, Diane brought instructions on making a Praying Mantis. It had 100 steps! It took days and days to make it. But, we thought it was too hard to do. We only went to step 9. Even Diane's dad couldn't finish it. Finally, Diane said she was going to learn how to make an easier Praying Mantis at her afterschool. So, on May 29, we finally learned how to make a Praying Mantis! Even though it didn't really look like it, it was better than having nothing!

The Concert
Written and Typed by GWN Writer Chloris Li
On May 15th, 2008, it was a really busy day for me. I went to school from 7:30-2:50 that Thursday. Normally after school, I go to the School Library to start on my homework with my friend Deanna but that special day, I just went into the library and started looking at books. Why? Well, there was a Book Fair. At 3:20, I left the Book Fair to walk home with my Grandma. Once I was home, I ate lunch and then went to the eye doctor. This is really where the story really begins.
Where I go see the eye doctor is like across the street from Washington Hospital. That is really far from American High School. I needed to get to AHS (American High School) by 6:30p.m. but I was still at the eye doctor's at 6:00p.m. After I was finished with my appointment, my dad drove me to AHS for my band concert. GWN Reader Emily Wang, Andy Wang, and Cynthia Yao was at the band concert too!
At the concert, it was really boring but really interesting. The Thornton Junior High (TJH) Band was pretty amazing! The director was Mr. G. Mr. G then directed the TJH Choir. They sang beautifully! There was also an elementary school choir [that wasn't directed by Mr. G] and they sang wonderfully! The AHS Band was awesome! I thought I was at an orchestra when I heard them! The director was Mr. Wong. Later on, they connected the two bands together. WOW! I don't know how to describe how great they played. I am all out of words =D! The AHS Choir was fantastic! My sister was in it! She sings the alto part or the 'low girl voice' because her voice is not considered high. The director was Mr. Wong. I think it was after that, the AHS Choir and TJH Choir joined together. Together with a beautiful and a fantastic choir, it makes the best choir!
Finally, it was our turn to play. All the elementary school
band kids walked 'down' to the stage and sat on their seats. [If you ever went to the AHS Gym before, you will know what I am talking about.] While I was walking down the risers, one of my books fell under. I couldn't pick it up because I had to go. The concert we did went well but we messed up at one part and had to start that part over. When we finished playing, I placed my trumpet into my case and placed my books inside the bag. I later went under the risers to look for my book and it wasn't there! I saw some kids walking under there too! They picked it up and placed it back on the risers. I looked on the risers and couldn't find my book (I didn't need that book for the concert but I brought it in case.). I was really worried but finally, I found my book on the risers. YAY!
When I was heading home, my sister asked me if I knew Cynthia Yao. Later on, I discovered her friend is my friend's sister! WOW! What a day!

Memorial Weekend
By GWN Writer Nicole Tong
For me Memorial Weekend, it was completely fun! First of all, I had my 2nd interview with a talent director from Hollywood. I made it through and I'm going to have an 18 week boot camp for modeling, singing, acting, and dancing. Then, we went to Gilroy for 8 hours and bought a lot of stuff. At about 9:00 p.m., we went to my friend, Tailey's house. We spent the rest of the night there. It was so fun! Then my grandparents came back from China and brought back 2 whole suit cases of food and clothes. We celebrated from Sunday to Monday night. I almost fainted. All I can say is that my Memorial Weekend was awesome!

Sorry, there will be no Turtie's Kitchen Announcement this week!

Mail Pail

Debate Time (Honorable Mentions?):
“I think every 5 people, there should be one Honorable Mention Award. That way, GWN won't have to make that much awards but not too little.” Chloris Li, 5th grade
“Two honorable mentions, One for a boy, one for a girl. It seems fair for me.” Yiming Ye, 4th grade
“One honorable mention, for the person that the judges think work hardest.” Olivia Li, 4th grade
“1 to 4, a girl, a boy, the most creative, and 1 who worked the hardest.” Nicole Tong, 5th grade
“Yes, there should be honorable mention. There should be 5.” Deanna Wong, 5th grade
“No, because it would be too complicated.” Vicky Sun, 5th grade
“No, because it wouldn't seem fair for people who didn't win.” Nicole Sun, 5th grade
“Yes, because there are a lot of entries. There should be 10 honorable mention awards.” Alex Zhou, 2nd grade
“Yes, You should have honorable mention awards. I think you should have one for everyone :]” Susan Pham, 5th grade
“Yes, I think there should be honorable mentions because it really isn't fair if only 3 people can win. There are many unique drawings that might not have a chance of winning and that's not really fair.” Amanda Chang, 5th grade
“I think there should be honorable mentions because there are so many entries and it's hard to win. GWN is just for fun, so why be so strict to just the first three places? As being a judge, I would like to give everyone honorable mention awards for their very best picture and I personally think, truly, that everyone so far did a great job.” Diane Zhou, 5th grade
“Yes, I want 3 honorable mentions becuase there are more winners.” Katherine Xiao, 4th grade

Debate Time (El Niño or Global Warming?):
“I think it's El Niño because "The Inconvenient Truth" isn't true.”
Daniel Lam, 5th grade

Comments on Diane's Ice Skating Competition:
“Good job Diane!” Nicole Tong, 5th grade

Other Comments:
“For Memorial Day, my grandparents came back from China. I was so happy! They came back with 2 full suitcases of food and clothes for me!” Nicole Tong, 5th grade

Volume II No. 2

GWN History Week!
This is the GWN History issue everyone's been waiting since May 13th! You will see how GWN improved in a year and learn more about GWN. Enjoy this once-in-a-year issue!

GWN Readers,
Summer vacation is coming, so those who we cannot stay in touch with cannot work with GWN. Please try to get email if you would like to continue. If you can't, you can work a few more weeks and then we'll see you back in September!
Gingerbread Weekly News

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

Honorable Mentions
Should GWN give Honorable Mention awards (for the Pokémon contest)?

Remember, the Pokémon contest is still going on. You may submit 1 Pokémon drawing, several drawings, or a poster. Please see the details below.
30 drawings were already submitted this week! GWN thinks it isn't fair for only 3 pictures to win, but we aren't sure if we should have honorable mentions either. Do YOU think there should be honorable mentions? Every vote counts, because majority is the decision. If you do want to have honorable mentions, please also say how many there should be! The average of all votes will be given.

More About the Contest
Judging: You will be judged on three main areas –
  • Creativity: 50% - We will see how unique and stylish your drawing ideas are, from a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best.
  • Looks: 50% – How good your drawing is counts too. This is judged by the scale of 1-10 too.
  • Difficulty: bonus – The harder the drawing, the better. Difficulty (also judged by the 1-10 scale) acts as bonus points. See how the scores are calculated below.
To get your score, each judge adds up all the points: creativity, looks, and difficulty. They then divide the score by 2 because the difficulty points are bonus points. GWN finds the average of all the judges scores to get your final scores.
For this contest, these are our wonderful judges:
  • Diane Zhou: Our main GWN editor! She will always be judging contests for us.
  • Amanda Chang Our other main GWN editor! She will always be judging contests for us too.
  • Nicole Tong A formal GWN reader. She took on a GWN employee positions and doesn't want to participate in this contest, so she will be judging.
  • Shudong Zhou Diane's dad! Why are all the judges girls? Won't the girls totally win? Maybe not, because Diane's dad is fair and square.
If our readers decide to have Honorable Mention (HM) awards, winners and HM awarders get one more ticket. Normally, 1st place gets 3 tickets, 2nd place 2, and 3rd place 1. Everyone who participates (including winners) get another ticket!
Remember, the deadline for entries is June 1st. Good luck again, and good job to those who submitted an entry already! Please write your name, age, grade, and name(s) of Pokémon(s). You may wish to give your picture a title too. Thank you! (Emailed entries must be scanned).

Cover Story

GWN History Week!
This week is GWN "History" Week! See GWN's history in this issue. You will see huge improvements we have made.

5/20/2007: Just on GWN's second issue, we made many improvements! The Mail Pail section was added (with plenty of mail), there was more
real news, two debates, improved ink, and most importantly: page numbers!
5/27/2007: This was GWN's first SPECIAL EDITION!
6/3/2007: The debate was based with a story this week, not any random debate. GWN also started an ad online: http://home.comcast.net/~mariezhou/gingerbread.html (which is no longer available).
6/17/2007: News from schools and scanned pictures appear in this issue
6/24/2007: Another SPECIAL EDITION! Two Cover Stories!
7/8/2007: Another SPECIAL EDITION! One huge story this time.
9/2/2007: The margin spaces are finally balanced.
9/9/2007: 10th issue!!! New looks too!
10/8/2007: GWN gets its own email address: GingerbreadWklyNews@Gmail.com.
2/11/2008: Issue numbers are added.
2/25/2008: New SPECIAL EDITION "stamps"
3/10/2008: Volume numbers are also added. New technology – computer generated pictures!
3/17/2008: GWN interviews someone for the first time!
3/31/2008: We have GWN online! Finally! http://www.freewebs.com/gingerbreadwklynews
4/14/2008: Too much mail! More GWN readers!
4/18/2008: First extended issue! Four extra pages of news!
4/24/2008: Turtie, Gingy's pet, starts "Turtie's Kitchen Announcements". GWN starts having tickets!
5/13/2008: GWN's anniversary! Last Volume I issue!
5/19/2008: Volume II starts!

GWN would also like to say thanks to many people who helped GWN:
First of all, thank you GWN readers! With many of you readers, it is possible for Gingerbread Weekly News to continue. You make the pail fill with mail, give lots of news, and make our GWN editors happy for what they do.
That's who we want to thank next: Diane Zhou and Amanda Chang! They were the starters of GWN, who made and worked on this creative project, and dedicated time, even with their crazy schedules.
Diane's dad played an important role too. He is a huge GWN supporter and gave many helpful tips. Our motto, "Go Local", comes from him.
Chloris Li has been a big GWN fan. She even started her own Animal Weekly News. Some GWN readers said that was copying GWN. So now, Chloris tries to be different. Thank you for trying, Chloris! See her website: http://www.freewebs.com/animalwklynews.
Cynthia Yao contributed a lot to GWN. She wrote many stories and is now our trustworthy typist! She is a fast worker, and she really enjoys GWN. Thank you Cynthia!
Last, but not least (actually the most), thank you Gingy! You started this whole GWN business! Without you, there would be no Gingerbread Weekly News. As Amanda says, "It's all your fault for starting GWN!"

So how did GWN start in the first place? It was that special day – February 16, 2007. Diane Zhou's after-school teacher, Mrs.Qian, gave Diane a special gingerbread toy for Chinese New Year. Diane and her best friend, Amanda Chang, named her "Gingy". The other special day was May 10, 2007. Diane wanted to do something special for Gingy, so she and Amanda started Gingerbread Weekly News. The first issue came out on May 13, 2007.
Be an employee! Do you want to work for GWN? Ask Diane Zhou or Amanda Chang for a form! You will get more details from them.
Please tell your friends about GWN!

New News

Ticket Deals
Earn tickets:
  • Answer to 1 debate. Get 1 ticket!
    (so 2 debates equals 2 tickets!)
  • Give GWN an acceptable story/pictures.
    Earn 3 tickets per story and 3 tickets for each set of pictures!
  • Be an employee!
    2 or more tickets a week (depending on your work...)!
  • Participate in Contests/Guessing Games
    Get 1 ticket!
  • 1st Place Winner
    3 tickets
  • 2nd Place Winner
    2 tickets
  • 3rd Place Winner
    1 ticket
  • Correct Guesses
    1 ticket
Use Tickets:
  • 1 ticket 2 chips
  • 5 tickets Rice Crispy Treat
    Choco Pie
    Dried Noodle Snack
  • 6 tickets
    Dole Fruit Cup
Ice Skating Competition
Diane Zhou had her second ice skating competition on May 19th! The name of the competition was Spring Jubilee, held in San Jose. Diane was doing two programs this time, and her first one and 3 o'clock was the artistic program.
As time went by, it was almost 3 o'clock. Before putting her skates on, Diane found out that the rink was 30 minutes off schedule! She walked around a little more and put her skates on later. Soon, she put her skates on and had her warm-up, which went great.
Diane was 3rd to skate, so she waited. Her turn came and she glided onto the ice. The program went well...besides the jumps. “I guess jumps are just really hard,” Diane told GWN.
But it's not over yet. Diane still had the technical program. This program was at the North Rink, which wasn't much behind schedule. Diane had to skate at 6 o'clock.
The warm-up went well again, but of course, that wouldn't count, as she learned before. Diane's coach helped Diane stay focused. Diane was sure she could do well.
Diane smiled as she took the ice. Her fast music started. No! She fell on her first jump, but she remained calm. Yes! Landed the next two jumps clean. After the footwork, the combination jump. One jump landed...landed the second jump! The last jump was nearing...land! And Diane made it a combination jump to make up for the first fall.
“I was really happy with my first technical competition,” Diane told GWN. “My dad said 'You really just 'skated' for the last ten seconds.' because I really attacked those jumps in the last ten seconds. In the end, I placed 3rd out of 10!”
Please send congratulation notes to GWN's email address!

Mail Pail

Debate Time (El Niño or Global Warming):
“It's hotter than usual, so it should be El Niño.” Alex Zhou, 2nd grade
“Global Warming.” Susan Pham, 5th grade
“Global Warming. It is not rainy.” Deanna Wong, 5th grade
“I think it is El Niño because Global Warming doesn't cause earthquakes.” Cynthia Yao, 5th grade
“Global Warming; the weather isn't that weird.” Nicole and Vicky Sun, 5th grade
“Global Warming, El Niño isn't really possible.” Nicole Tong, 5th grade
“No, I don't think it is El Niño year, I think it is just Global warming because El Niño is supposed to be really weird weather, but it's not that weird.” Emily Wang, 4th grade
“I think this year is just Global Warming. You know how you said it was the El Niño Year in 1997. Well, in class, I learned that the El Niño year doesn't come every decades or year. That is why I don't think it is El Niño Year this year. Besides, many already said that the Earth is turning warm because of Global Warming last year, it'll be difficult for Global Warming to turn back normally that quickly.” Chloris Li, 5th grade
“I think it's Global Warming. It was like so hot so early this year!” Carol Zhang, adult
“El Niño, because Global Warming doesn't happen this fast.” Shudong Zhou, adult

“I think GWN should only give paper copies to people who actually want them and email the rest.” Nicole Tong, 5th grade

It was just Memorial Day weekend! What did you do? Please send all your stories to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com.

Volume II No. 1

Open House
Ardenwood Elementary had its Open House on May 13th. Read about Diane and Alex Zhou, and Cynthia Yao's stories about what they did that day. Send news about your school's Open House to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

This is the first issue of Volume II! Enjoy it! Look forward to reading about GWN's history next week!
Please tell GWN if you would like to stop receiving paper copies or receive copies by email. We would like to save paper. Thanks!

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail
Turtie's Kitchen Announcement

Debate Time

El Niño This Year?
Do you think this is the El Niño year?
There's been weird weather here in the Bay Area this year. Do YOU think it's the El Niño year this year? You don't have to be an expert or anything, GWN just wants your guess.
It's been unusually hot so early this year, over 100 degrees! There has been rarely any rainfall in April, while Los Angeles has quite a lot of rain. Si Chuan, China had an earthquake, also rare. (Please help them by donating to organizations or to companies who will help.) It's also been a long time since the El Niño in 1997. What do you think: El Niño or Global Warming?

Hot Weather
It has been crazily hot these days, over one hundred degrees! How did you spend your days?
At Ardenwood School, Diane Zhou and Chloris Li still wanted to run around and play Hot Lava Monster, but their friends didn't. Deanna Wong said that Hot Lava "reminds me of the weather being very hot." That was when Diane made up the game "Cold Ice Monster". It's mostly the same as Hot Lava Monster, but the person who is "It" can't step on shadows and people who aren't "It" can ONLY step on shadow.
GWN encourages you to always wear sunblock, take a nice bath everyday, and still stay active. Don't become lazy, just be active in a cool area instead of playing video games inside all the time. If it isn't too hot (like in the mornings and nights), open the windows for some fresh air instead of using air conditioners all the time. Stay cool and stay active this summer!

Cover Story

Open House!
On GWN's anniversary (May 13th), Ardenwood Elementary School had its Open House! Let's see the stories of three people who go to Ardenwood:

Diane and Alex Zhou's Stories, 5th and 2nd grade
For Diane and Alex Zhou, it was just like any other year. First, their mom bought an Ardenwood dragon t-shirt for each of them. Then they visited Alex's classroom (Room 16) which was filled with dinosaur-related things. Diane's dad joined soon, and they went on to Diane's classroom (Room 31).
Her classroom had skeletons. On Diane's desk were her human body project, reading and math work, and her history project. Her parents talked with Mr. Gracey, the teacher. He praised GWN. Yay!
Everyone visited the classrooms of the grade they were going to be next next year. They also visited the computer lab (where Diane was praised) and science lab. It was 8 o'clock when they went home!

Cynthia Yao's Story, 5th grade
When Vanessa, my mom, and I got to the school for open house, it was already 7:10. After browsing the book fair, we went to Vanessa's classroom, which is the same classroom as Alex Zhou's, Room 16. We looked at the dinosaur stuff, such as fossils, drawings, and the dinosaur report. After that, we went to my classroom (Room 33). My desk had a paper port folio (a suitcase) Which held all my things from the past. As my mom talked to Mrs. Brightwell, the teacher, I showed Vanessa around the room and all the history arts, math projects, and Language reports. After my mom finished talking to Mrs. Brightwell, we went to the book fair for a book my sister wanted called "Rani in the Mermaid Lagoon". I got bored and rolled (I was wearing Heely's) home with my family.

Turtie's Kitchen Announcement

From the desk of Turtie Turtle
Hi GWN Readers!
I am sooooo glad you people love my announcements! It's a pleasure to have them. If you read the Mail Pail section, you'll see someone even tried my recipes! Thanks Nicole! I hope you enjoy this week's tips!
Turtie Turtle, Owner of Turtie's Kitchen

Tips of the Month (From Turtie's Kitchen):
  • Make sure you have enough time to make cookies. You don't want to be rushing at the end; the end is the most important part: baking the right amount of time!
  • When you start out making cookies, you might want to use half as much of ingredients as the recipe says, just in case you mess up. For example, instead of 2 cups of flour, use 1 cup.

New News

Origami: Praying Mantis
Diane Zhou's teacher requested that this story be written and here it is:
One day, Diane and some of her classmates were making origami things. Mr. Gracey saw, and made the girls make a praying mantis! Diane did find instructions, but they were way too hard. Mr. Gracey said it got the “praying mantis club” addicted to origami.
If YOU can make a praying mantis, please show the praying mantis club. Email instructions to GWN's email address!

Remember when Nicholas Lien generously sent pictures of mushrooms at Mission San Juan Bautista about a month ago? Nicholas wants you to see ALL of them. Here is the URL: http://www.geckofan.com/mushroomfarm. Hope you like the pictures!
Thanks again, Nicholas, for the pictures!

Book Fairs
From May 12th to May 16th, Ardenwood Elementary School had its Book Fair. Three of the most popular books were “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid”, “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” (both by Jeff Kinney), and a Pokémon drawing book. At least one out of every three students in the school were either holding, buying, or reading “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid” books. The Pokémon drawing book sold out in three days!
On the other hand, Forest Park Elementary had their book fair about three weeks ago. “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” was probably the most popular. Everyone there had already read the first book, so that wasn't a huge sale. The other big sale was “Swindle”.
So it seems like Jeff Kinney's “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” books are really good. If you would like to write a review of it, please send your writings to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com
Since the Pokémon drawing book was super popular at Ardenwood, Gingy wants to have a contest: Who can draw the best Pokemon? You can choose any single Pokemon, send in a set of Pokemon drawings, or make a creative poster with all the Pokémon. Please do not cheat by tracing.
If you don't know the prizes, here it is:
1st place: A GWN certificate and 3 GWN tickets
2nd place: A GWN certificate and 2 GWN tickets
3rd place: A GWN certificate and 1 GWN ticket
Everyone who participates in the contest earns a ticket! So if you win 1st place, you participated PLUS won, so you actually get 4 delicious tickets! The deadline for this contest is June 1st. Good luck everyone!

by Susan Pham, 5th grade
On May 6, 2008, at about 12:20 p.m. (recess time), I saw everyone rushing to the grass. So, we just decided to tag along. We watched as these three guys named Marty, Hai, and Angel had a dance off. One of the yard-duties recorded them on her cell-phone. Then, Mrs. Rugg, our principal, came and told us that it was already already the end of our recess. The bell did not ring because people were still taking the STAR Test. Everyone then said "Aww!" It was time to go back to our class room.

Dance Contest
by Deanna Wong, 5th grade
On May 7, 2008, during lunch there was a dance contest. Everyone was standing or sitting in a circle. There was a fifth grade team and a sixth grade team. Then it started. There was no music. When they were dancing it seemed like they needed to go to the bathroom. It was boring.

Mail Pail

Debate Time (STAR Testing):
“I think the STAR Testing was OK...Honestly, I think the hardest was English, then Science, and finally math. During the STAR Testing, I was scared I will fill in the bubbles too messily! =-O I forgot my score last year but this year I think I will get above average like always for math. Science was easy! I rate it 6.” Chloris Li, 5th grade
“I think that the start test was easy this year. I might get around...92%. Last year, I forgot my score. I think the science part was the easiest. I would rate it a 4.” Susan Pham, 5th grade
“Rating: 5, Last year my score was 88%. I think I will get around 90%. The science test was easy.” Deanna Wong, 5th grade
“STAR testing was kind of easy. I like it about a 6. Since I'm in 2nd grade, I didn't even take the test last year. I think I will get around 95%.” Alex Zhou, 2nd grade
“I would rate it “5”. The science was pretty hard.” Cynthia Yao, 5th grade
“5. We got to skip math lab :-). I don't like math lab.” Nicole Sun, 5th grade
“1. I hate STAR testing. Medium.” Vicky Sun, 5th grade
“I felt very confident on the STAR testing. Even though I had to take 8th grade math, it seemed pretty easy! I probably would get a 500 or above. At least, I hope so. :)” Tiffany Chen, 7th grade
“10, it's cool, funny, and awesome! Everything's so EASY! Last year I got a 600 on both math and language. Yay me!” Nicole Tong, 5th grade
“I think the Star Testing was very stressful because my mom made me do lots of tests.” Nicholas Lien, 4th grade
“9, because it's kinda boring. I got 600 on reading last year but I am not sure I will this year. Now I'm better at math.” Olivia Li, 4th grade

GWN Notes:
“I like Turtie's Kitchen. Tickets are okay, since Diane is my sister. It doesn't matter if I want to be hired or not (I don't really want to) because my mom makes me write for GWN and I don't like writing.” Alex Zhou, 2nd grade
“Happy Birthday GWN! I love Turtie's Kitchen, my mom loved making the chocolate chip cookies, so did I! I went [to the Chinese Rock'n Roll] too! It was weird. I gave my mom roses, chocolate, and a a lot of other things [on Mother's Day]. She loved it. We also invited her to eat sushi, too! My grandparents are coming back on Memorial Day. Happy Birthday Tiffany, even though I don't know you!” Nicole Tong, 5th grade

Comments on “Sean” (by Chloris Li)
“Nice story! It was short and simple to the point.” Tiffany Chen, 7th grade
“I loved the story 'Sean', it's touching.” Nicole Tong, 5th grade

Volume I No. 23

“Sean” is a story Chloris Li sent to GWN. It was her wonderful Young Author's story. Please read about it and comment it. Email comments to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

Please also read and comment GWN's notes (on page 2). This is the last issue of Volume I since GWN's anniversary is on May 13th. Enjoy this last Volume I issue please!

Table of Contents
Cover Story
New News
Debate Time
Mail Pail

Debate Time

STAR Testing
How was STAR testing this year?

How did you like the STAR testing THIS year? Easy or hard? Grade it from a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best. GWN asked people last year. The average was between easy and medium. What was your score last year? What do you think you will get this year? And how was (for 5th graders) the science test? Send all your answers to: GingerbreadWklyNews@gmail.com

GWN Notes...
  • GWN Tickets: GWN now has new types of tickets! If you still have the old type, please ask Diane Zhou or Amanda Chang to trade in the old ones for new ones.
  • Turtie's Kitchen: Turtie's Kitchen will now be weekly because EVERYONE wants it to be that way. Look forward to a notice next week!
  • GWN Anniversary: GWN's anniversary is on May 13th! Find GWN's detailed “history” in the issue after the next.
  • Employment GWN: is hiring now! Please email to GWN if you are interested in joining GWN. Find out the details when you get an “enrollment” form. Cynthia Yao generously volunteered and it was she who typed the story “Sean”. Thanks Cynthia, and everyone who helps GWN!